
Table Of Contents
13. If necessary, add PlanetPress Talk code to the object:
In the Picture properties dialog box, click PlanetPress Talk before to enter PlanetPress Talk
code that you want the document to execute before it executes the picture object, or click
PlanetPress Talk after to enter PlanetPress Talk code that you want the document to execute
after it executes the picture object.
14. If necessary, click Repeat to set the Repeat properties for the picture object.
15. Click OK.
16. Navigate the data pages of the document to see the image in the picture object change as the input
data changes.
Related topics:
Static and Dynamic Images (Page 168)
Image Formats: Bitmapped, Vector, and Metafile Formats (Page 171)
PlanetPress Talk Expressions for Dynamic Images that Reference Image Resources (Page 180)
Image Name and Pathname Resolution in Dynamic Images (Page 187)
Guidelines for Optimizing Images (Page 189)
Add a Static Image (Page 195)
Add a Dynamic Image that References External Images (Page 199)
Change the Size of an Image (Page 201)
Adjust Image Resolution (Page 202)
Convert Color Images to Grayscale (Page 203)
Adjust the Pixel Dimensions of a Bitmapped Image (Page 204)
Adjust the Image Quality Options (Page 204)
Adjust the Scanline Orientation of Images (Page 206)
13.15.4 Add a Dynamic Image that References External Images
To add a dynamic image that references external images:
1. Choose Home | Document | Picture.
2. Move the pointer inside the Page area and click at the point at which you want to add the object, and
3. In the Picture properties dialog box, click Basic attributes and enter the name, position, size, style,
and condition properties for the picture object.
4. In the Picture properties dialog box, click Settings and enter the PlanetPress Talk expression that
resolves to the pathnames of the images for this dynamic image.
Image: Enter the PlanetPress Talk expression that resolves to the pathnames of the images you want
to associate with this dynamic image (remember that to enter a PlanetPress Talk expression you type
the equals sign character (=) followed by the expression). Note that the backslash character is a special
character in PlanetPress Talk, and you must therefore precede it by a backslash to have PlanetPress Talk
treat it as the literal, and not the special, character. It is critical to remember that the expression you
enter must resolve to pathnames accessible in the environment in which you intend to execute the
document. It is also critical to remember that the execution environment of the document determines
the image formats that document accepts. If you intend to execute the document on a host, although
you can use a Uniform Naming Convention (UNC) path, network latency may decrease performance.
5. Set the options for any multi-page PDF images or monochrome bitmapped images that the dynamic
image references.
6. Select the types of images you want the picture object to accept for this dynamic image and adjust the
relevant image properties for each type, as necessary. For efficient documents, you should select only
those types the dynamic image uses. This limits the file type checking the document performs when it
retrieves an image. If you clear a type, and the document encounters an image of that type when it
executes, it treats it as a missing image and responds according to the setting in the On error box.
EPS: Select to have this picture object accept images in EPS format.
PDF: Select to have this picture object accept images in PDF format.
Adding Images - Detailed Directions
Objectif Lune Inc. © 2009 199