
Table Of Contents
Line graph
Pie charts
Related topics:
Excel Business Graphics (Page 228)
Add a Business Graphic (Page 230)
14.1.4 Excel Business Graphics
Can I use Excel business graphics in PlanetPress Design documents?
Microsoft Excel graphics can be added to your PlanetPress Design documents just like any other PlanetPress
Design business graphic. Data selections are used to populate the graphics at runtime, so each document
displays context-specific information, such as stock prices or monthly expenses.
Like other images, Excel business graphics can be moved or resized. At design time, only a placeholder is
displayed on the page (the actual graphics are generated at runtime).
This feature is only available for Optimized Postscript printing and for Windows Printing. Microsoft Excel 2000
or better must be installed on the server running the PlanetPress Design documents (although only the Excel
template is actually required to design the PlanetPress Design document).
Related topics:
Business Graphics (Page 227)
Barcodes and Business Graphics - Key Concepts
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