
Table Of Contents
20.1.3 Printer Settings
What printer settings can I adjust in PlanetPress Design?
There are five printer settings you can set from PlanetPress Design: Form cache, Manual feed timeout, Wait
timeout, Print PostScript error, and Do Sys/Start.
Related topics:
Information about Documents on a Printer (Page 312)
Form Cache (Page 313)
20.1.4 Form Cache
What is the form cache? What options can I adjust with respect to the form cache?
The form cache is an amount of RAM set aside to hold images that the document references during execution.
The cache improves performance by providing faster access to images that the document uses more than
The size of the cache and the order in which the document executes the images determine the contents of the
cache at any given point in time. As the cache fills, the printer may have to remove images to make room for
the most recent image. When it must remove an image, the printer removes the least recently referenced
In PlanetPress Design, you can set both the size of the printer form cache and the maximum size of an
individual cache item. You can set these options for all documents that execute on the printer.
When you set the cache options, you should know that the images in the cache have already undergone part
of the rasterization process and that this may have increased their size, sometimes quite substantially. Since
this difference in size depends on the individual image the best approach for determining appropriate values
for the cache options is empirical: if document execution is slow, adjust the value and see if performance
Related topics:
Information about Documents on a Printer (Page 312)
Printer Settings (Page 313)
Managing Documents and Printers - Key Concepts
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