
Table Of Contents
3. Perform a hard copy preview of the document and compare the printed result with what appears on-
screen in PlanetPress Design.
4. If the match between the printed and on-screen colors is not as exact as you need or expect, you may
be able to fine-tune it by playing with the calibration of either or both of the monitor and printer.
Calibration adjusts the device to a well-defined setting that you can re-establish if the device strays
from this setting over time.
Monitor Calibration
Monitor calibration provides the foundation for a visually accurate on-screen representation of printed
colors. You calibrate your monitor by using the controls on the monitor to set the brightness, contrast,
and white point such that the monitor displays blacks, whites, and grays that are free of color casts. If
necessary, consult the manual for your computer or monitor for help locating these controls. Before you
calibrate the monitor, you should adjust the ambient lighting so that the monitor screen appears evenly
lit and the lighting reflects the lighting in which you expect to work in PlanetPress Design.
If you require the kind of control over color that professional graphics businesses require, you should
consult more extensive documentation on monitor calibration and on creating a viewing environment.
Printer Calibration
You calibrate your printer to adjust the colors it prints. Consult your printer documentation for help
calibrating your printer.
To accurately view color in an on-screen preview:
1. In PlanetPress Design perform the on-screen preview.
2. In Acrobat, choose Edit | Preferences | General.
3. In the General preferences dialog, click Color management and adjust the options as follows:
Color management: Custom
RGB: Select the same printer profile you selected in PlanetPress Design for this form.
CMYK: Select the same printer profile you selected in PlanetPress Design for this form.
Conversion options:
Engine: Microsoft ICM
Black-point compensation: Select.
4. Click OK to close the General preferences dialog box.
5. In Acrobat, choose View | Proof set up | Custom.
6. In the Proofing space text box, select the same printer profile you selected in the PlanetPress Design
color management options for the form you are previewing.
7. Click OK.
8. Choose View | Proof colors to turn on soft proofing.
A checkmark beside the Proof colors menu option indicates soft proofing is active.
To view PlanetPress Image output:
1. If you have not already done so, open the PDF you want to view in Adobe Acrobat.
2. Adjust the Acrobat options.
Related topics:
Install Profiles (Page 343)
Color Management - Detailed Directions
Objectif Lune Inc. © 2009 344