
Table Of Contents
23.7.4 Image Quality
Guideline: Set the appropriate image quality for each bitmapped image resource, and an
appropriate compression level for all photo quality bitmapped image resources.
Advantage: In the case of line art quality, ensures the compression PlanetPress Design applies
to the image is lossless. In the case of photo quality, permits a level of compression
that reduces file size without compromising visual quality.
Applies to: Bitmapped images only
How to apply it
to static
images, and
dynamic images
that reference
You set a default image quality that PlanetPress Design associates with each image
resource at the time you add it to the document, in the Document dialog box. You
can also set the image quality for an individual image resource by selecting it and
using the Object Inspector to edit its Image quality property.
You set the compression level that PlanetPress Design uses for all photo quality
bitmapped image resources, in the Document dialog box.
How to apply it
to dynamic
images that
You cannot set an image quality for any external images you place in a folder.
However, if you use the Image Downloader to download images to the printer disk
or the local PlanetPress Design Suite virtual disk, you can set an image quality for
any bitmapped images it downloads. It you select photo quality in the Image
Downloader, you can also set a compression level for any bitmapped images it
23.7.5 Full Page Image of Graphical Elements
What to check
The document uses a background image of graphical elements, rather than PlanetPress Design objects for
those elements.
This is a technique often used to speed up document design when a similar PlanetPress Design document
already exists. The error occurs when using the background image instead if recreating the components using
PlanetPress Design objects.
You can import an image of the document and use it as a template by placing the image in the background.
You then add objects to recreate the page design in PlanetPress Design, and delete the background image
when you are done.
23.7.6 Image Color Depth
What to check
The color depth of images in a document that produces grayscale or black and white output.
Optimization - Dynamic Image Location
Objectif Lune Inc. © 2009 354