
Table Of Contents
6.2 Detailed Directions
This section includes the following procedures:
Set Up a Document (Page 55)
View or Edit the Properties of a Document (Page 59)
Associate Attachments with a Document (Page 59)
Set Up Pages: Cachable Execution Options (Page 60)
Set the Maximum Data Line Length (Page 60)
Create and Use FreeForm Documents in PlanetPress Design (Page 61)
Create and Use FreeForm 2 Documents in PlanetPress Design (Page 62)
Create a Document in VPS or VDX Format (Page 63)
Create and Use a Document in VDX Format (Page 64)
Use the VPS RIP (Page 66)
Add or Remove PPDs (Page 66)
Refresh the PPD Lists (Page 66)
Define a Custom Paper Size (Page 67)
Specify PlanetPress Suite Job Information in a PlanetPress Design Document (Page 67)
6.2.1 Set Up a Document
To set up a document:
1. Double-click on the Document node.
2. In the Document properties dialog box, click Basic Attributes and enter the name and printer
properties of the document, and any notes you want to insert at the head of the document.
Name: Enter a name for the document. If you install the document on a printer, this is the name under
which the printer stores the converted document. The name you choose for the document should be
both descriptive and unique, cannot begin with a number, and can contain only the following ASCII
characters: underscore, upper and lower case letters of the alphabet, all digits 0 through 9.If you use an
underscore in the name, it should not appear as either the first or last character of the name as this
may cause internal conflicts in the software. Names are case-insensitive and must be unique; no two
elements in a document can have the same name. Names can be a maximum of 50 characters in length.
Finally, PlanetPress Talk variable and command names are reserved words; you cannot use any of these
reserved words as a name.
Description: Enter a short text description of the document.
Designed For: Select a PPD for the document. The contents of the PPD subfolder in the PlanetPress
program folder determine the contents of this list. In PlanetPress Design, you can now open PPD files as
well as other attachments emanating from Macintosh and UNIX workstations.The PPD that appears by
default here is the one selected in the Default printer box in the User Options dialog box. The Default
printer is an optimized PPD. Rather than send a request for a setting to the printer, it first queries the
printer to see if that setting is already in effect. The Alternate default printer PPD does not query the
printer before it sends a request for a setting.
Printer Password: Enter the password for the printer on which you intend to install the document. A
password value of 0 means there is no password for the printer. You can determine whether a printer
requires a password by printing a PlanetPress Design printer status page.
Printer Working Path: Enter the path of the folder on the printer in which you want to install the
document. This is necessary only if you plan to install the document in a specific folder on the printer’s
hard drive or in a specific folder in its flash memory.
Notes: Enter any notes you want to insert at the head of the document. Notes do not print as part of
the output of the document.
Sign: Click to append the current date and time, the name of the owner of this copy of PlanetPress
Design, and the name of the company to which this copy is licensed.
3. In the Document properties dialog box, click Paper Handling and adjust the basic paper handling
properties for the document.
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