
Table Of Contents
A form feed signals the end of a data page in ASCII emulation. If no form feed occurs in the data stream, the
emulation adds data to the data page buffer until the buffer is full.
7.2.4 Channel Skip Emulation
Channel skip emulation is a variant of line printer emulation. It tells the document to read the data stream
one line at a time, and to treat the first character of each line as a code that indicates how to position the line
of data in the data page buffer.
By default, in channel skip emulation, the integer 1 signals the end of a data page. You can change this
default when you set up the emulation.
Note that if a given value is used for multiple channels, the result may be different at design time, or when
the document is previewed or printed.
Also note that Split on FormFeed (FF) is not supported with the Channel Skip emulation in Optimized
PostScript Stream mode or when printing using a Windows driver.
7.2.5 XML Data Emulations
XML data emulations allow you to capture data emanating from web databases, E-mail fulfillment,
ecommerce, and general XML database engines. In XML emulation, the data elements in markup language
format are organized in a folder view with a root node and sub-level nodes. Depending on the document
configuration, a data page can be associated with a sublevel element contained in an XML data file much in
the way a data page can be associated with an individual record in a CSV emulation. When you set-up an XML
emulation, you define whether to separate the data by the root or the second level element.
Note that when XML data is merged with PlanetPress Design documents on a printer DOCTYPE and ENTITY
tags are ignored.
Also note that characters referenced using the ϧ syntax are limited to values ranging from 000
(�) to 256 (Ā).
7.2.6 Comma Separated Value (CSV) Emulation
CSV emulation tells the document to read the input data one line at a time and to treat each line as a
database record. It also specifies the field delimiter the document uses to distinguish the different fields of a
record. The document reads the data stream one line at a time and puts each field of the database record on
a separate line in the data page buffer.
In CSV emulation, the emulation adds lines to the data page buffer until the buffer is full. You can force a new
data page for each record when you set up the emulation.
Note that a double text delimiter within a field is not considered a normal character when not using the
Optimized PostScript Stream option or when printing using a Windows printer driver.
7.2.7 Database Emulation
This emulation differs from other emulations in regards to PlanetPress Suite applications. With other
emulations, data is pushed either to PlanetPress Design documents residing on printers or to PlanetPress
Watch/Server processes running on servers. But in the case of the database emulation, data must be pulled
from the data source.
Selecting an Emulation - Emulation
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