
Table Of Contents
Pages in buffer: Enter the number of data pages you want the data page buffer to contain, or use the
spin buttons to increment or decrement the value.
Cut on FF character: Select to have the document start a new data page when it encounters a form
feed character in the data stream. If you select Cut on FF character, you have two conditions that signal
the end of a data page: the form feed character and the number of lines set in the Lines per page box.
7. Verify that the adjustments produce the results you want by stepping through the data pages in the
sample data file using the Data page box in the Data Selector.
8. Repeat step 6 through step 7 until you have a stable data page or you determine that you cannot
stabilize your data. If you cannot stabilize your data, define the difficulty you are having and determine
which of the following can most easily solve it:
Use other PlanetPress Design features to solve the problem. Conditions and PlanetPress Talk
programs can sometimes solve the problem, particularly when it is the internal structure of the
data page that is not stable.
If you think a different emulation might work, try stabilizing the data in that emulation.
Write a user-defined emulation.
Set up a PlanetPress Watch/Server process that uses a PlanetPress Design script or a PlanetPress
Watch/Server plug-in to handle the difficulty.
9. Click OK.
Related topics:
Sample Data File (Page 47)
Data Page (Page 69)
Data Selector (Page 73)
Emulation (Page 70)
Line Printer Emulation (Page 70)
ASCII Emulation (Page 70)
Channel Skip Emulation (Page 71)
Comma Separated Value (CSV) Emulation (Page 71)
Database Emulation (Page 71)
XML Data Emulations (Page 71)
User-Defined Emulation (Page 72)
Use the Data Selector (Page 75)
Associate Sample Data File(s) with a Document (Page 0)
Select and Set Up an Emulation (Page 77)
Set Up a Database Emulation (Page 80)
Create a User-Defined Emulation (Page 82)
7.4.5 Set Up a Database Emulation
When you set up a database emulation, you specify the database you want to use with the document, the
query that retrieves the input data from the database, the number of records you want to include in each
record set, and the condition that signals the end of a record set.
Database emulation is distinct in that PlanetPress Design creates the sample data file when you set up the
emulation. You specify the number of records you want to include in the sample data file and PlanetPress
Design uses the query you defined to query the database and retrieve the number of records you specified. It
then converts the records to ASCII and saves the converted records as the sample data file.
To set up a database emulation:
1. Choose Tools | Open Active Data.
2. In the Data Selector, locate the Emulation box and select Database.
3. Click the Database Emulation Configuration button.
4. Associate a database with the document.
Microsoft Access Database or dBase file
Selecting an Emulation - Detailed Directions
Objectif Lune Inc. © 2009 80