
Table Of Contents
Database: Enter the path of the Microsoft Access database or dBase file, or click the Browse button to
the right of the box to navigate to, the database file. Recall that a Microsoft Access database file bears
the extension .mdb, and a dBase file bears the extension .dbf. If the file is a dBase file, you must
specify the folder that contains the .dbf file. The folder in this case is considered to be the database,
and the individual .dbf file a table in the database. Once you enter the path, the Table/query name box
updates to reflect the tables and queries available in the selected database.
ODBC Data Source
ODBC Data Source: Click to connect to an ODBC Data Source. Use the Select Data Source dialog box
that appears to select an existing Data Source or set up a new one. When you exit the Select Data
Source dialog box, the Database box updates to display the connection string it uses to connect to the
database, and the Table/query name box updates to reflect the tables and queries available in the
selected database.
5. Click Edit SQL to create the SQL query by hand to define the SQL query that retrieves the data your
document requires.
6. Set the properties that define a record set.
Condition: Select the condition that signals the end of a record set. Three possibilities exist: create a
new record set for each record, create a new record set after every x records, or create a new record set
when the value of a specific field changes.
Sort on condition field: Select this if the condition you set is to create a new record set when the
value of a specific field changes, and you want to sort the records before applying that condition.
Maximum records per record set: Set either the number of records in each record set, or the
maximum number of records in a record set. An individual record set can contain a maximum of 4000
7. Set the number of records you want to include in the sample data file. The number of records you set
should provide a reliable sample to ensure your document executes properly with any of the data it may
encounter at runtime.
All: Select to include all records in the database in the sample data file.
Records: Select to define the range of records you want to include in the sample data file. Use the box
that appears to the right of this option to specify the range.
8. Click OK.
To enter an SQL query:
1. In the Database Connection dialog box, click Edit SQL.
2. If necessary, click Show Tables to display, in the Tables area, a list of the tables available in the
3. In the SQL Query Entry area, enter the SQL query. The following two sample queries both retrieve all
the fields in the Orders table. The second sorts the resulting records on the Date field.
SELECT * FROM [Orders]
SELECT * FROM [Orders] ORDER BY [Date]
4. Click Test SQL to verify the query you entered is a valid SQL query.
5. Define whether you want PlanetPress Design to automatically enclose table names and field names in
square brackets.
Alternate syntax (not recommended): Select to prevent PlanetPress Design from automatically
enclosing the names of any database tables and fields that appear in the SQL query in square brackets
when it exits the advanced SQL Statement dialog box.
6. Client side cursor: Select to download result sets to client computer running the SQL query.
7. Click OK to return to the Database Connection dialog box.
Related topics:
Sample Data File (Page 47)
Data Page (Page 69)
Data Selector (Page 73)
Emulation (Page 70)
Line Printer Emulation (Page 70)
ASCII Emulation (Page 70)
Channel Skip Emulation (Page 71)
Comma Separated Value (CSV) Emulation (Page 71)
Selecting an Emulation - Detailed Directions
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