
Table Of Contents
1. Make sure the dictionary is accessible on the computer on which you are running PlanetPress Design. Additional dic-
tionaries are available at http://www.addictivesoftware.com/dicts.htm.
2. In the Text area, right-click and choose Spell Check Options.
3. In the Spelling Options dialog box, in the Dictionaries list, click Locatedictionaries.
4. In the Browse for Folder dialog box, navigate to the dictionary you want to add and click OK.
To create a custom dictionary:
1. In the Text area, right-click and choose Spell Check Options.
2. In the lower right of the Spelling Options dialog box, click Dictionaries.
3. In the Dictionaries dialog box, click New.
4. In the New Custom Dictionary dialog box, enter a name for the new dictionary, and click OK.
5. To exit the Dictionaries dialog box and return to the Spelling Options dialog box, click OK.
6. Click OK.
To edit a custom dictionary:
1. In the Spelling Options dialog box, click Dictionaries.
2. In the Dictionaries dialog box, select the custom dictionary you want to edit and click Edit.
3. Click Added Words and enter any words you want the spell check to treat as legal words when it uses this custom dic-
l Ignore this word: Type the word you want to add to the list of words the spell check treats as legal when it
uses this custom dictionary. Click Add to add it to the Word list.
l Word list: Displays the words the spell check treats as legal when it uses this custom dictionary.
l Add: Click to add the word entered in the Ignore this word box, to the Word list.
l Delete: Click to delete the word that is currently selected in the Word list.
4. Click Auto Correct Pairs and enter any automatic corrections you want the spell check to perform.
l Replace/With: Use these boxes to define an automatic correction you want the spell check to perform when
it uses this custom dictionary. Type the string you want the spell check to automatically replace in the Replace
box, and the replacement string in the With box. Click Add to add it to the Auto-correct pairs list.
l Auto correct pairs list: Displays the automatic corrections the spell check performs when it uses this custom
dictionary. The misspelled string appears on the left and its correction on the right.
l Add: Click to add the contents of the Replace/With boxes to the Auto-correct pairs list. This button is not avail-
able if either or both of the Replace/With boxes are empty.
l Delete: Click to delete the auto-correct pair that is currently selected in the Auto-correct pairs list.
5. Click Excluded Words and add any words you want the spell check to always treat as misspellings.
l Exclude this word: Type the word you want to add to the list of words the spell check always treats as mis-
spellings when it uses this custom dictionary. Click Add to add it to the Excluded word list.
l Excluded word list: Displays the words the spell check always treats as misspellings when it uses this cus-
tom dictionary.
l Add: Click to add the word entered in the Ignore this word box, to the Excluded word list.
l Delete: Click to delete the word that is currently selected in the Excluded word list.
6. Click OK to return to the Dictionaries dialog box.
7. In the Dictionaries dialog box, click OK to return to the SpellingOptions dialog box.
To delete a custom dictionary:
1. In the Spelling Options dialog box, click Dictionaries.
2. In the Dictionaries dialog box, select the custom dictionary you want to delete and click Delete.
3. Click OK.
Use the Thesaurus
To use the Thesaurus:
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