
Table Of Contents
l In the Text area, highlight the reference you want to delete and press any key.
To delete a local variable in the Text area:
1. In the Text area, select any reference to the variable you want to delete.
2. Right-click and choose Delete data selection.
To delete a local variable using the Variables dialog box:
1. Choose Variables | EditDataSelection.
2. In the Variableslist, select the local variable you want to delete.
3. Press DELETE.
4. Click OK.
To avoid an empty line in output when a line contains only variables, none of which contain data:
1. In the Format toolbar, locate the Skip Empty Paragraphs icon. If this toolbar is not visible, right-click in the toolbar
area of the Text area and choose Format.
2. Set the Skip empty paragraphs option. Click to turn this option on or off. When the option is on, if a line in the Text
area contains only variables, and none of those variables contain data, the line does not appear in the output. When this
option is off, an empty line appears in the output.
Data Selection Object
Data Selections are used to retrieve and display information from your data file with simple formatting. It is normally used
either for Line Repeat, or as triggers for PlanetPress Image, PlanetPress Fax and PlanetPress Search metadata.
In addition to the common object properties, Data Selections have the following properties:
l Data Selection: This section changes depending on your emulation:
l For Line Printer, ASCII, Channel Skip and User-Defined emulations, see
l For Database and CSVemulations, see
l For XMLemulations, see
l For PDFemulations, see
l You can also use Custom Data Selections using a PlanetPress Talk command. See Custom Data Selections.
l Lines per inch: Set the lines per inch for the data selection object. This makes sense only for data selection objects
that contain two or more lines, or two or more records in the case of a database emulation.
l Alignment: Align the data selection within the data selection object, as well as the data selection object itself. The
alignment of the data selection object is with respect to the Left position setting. For example, if Left=3.5000, and you
select a Right alignment, PlanetPress Design aligns the data selection on the right edge of the object and aligns the
right edge of the object to 3.5000.
l Trim leading spaces: Remove any ASCII space characters that appear before the data in the data selection.
l Trim trailing spaces: Remove any ASCII space characters that appear after the data in the data selection.
l Text before each line: Enter any text you want to appear in the document before each line of the data selection. For
example, if the data selection is lines 32 through 34, and you enter the string “ITEM:” in this text box, ITEM: appears
three times in the document: before the data on line 32, before the data on line 33, and before the data on line 34. You
can enter either text or a PlanetPress Talk expression that resolves to a text string in this box.
PlanetPress Design Objects
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