
Table Of Contents
1. In the Structure area, double-click the global function.
2. Use the PlanetPress Talk Editor to edit the properties of the global function, if necessary.
3. Click OK.
If you made a modification that may cause execution problems in the document, PlanetPress Design reports an error in
the Messages area.
If you made a modification that may cause execution problems in the document , PlanetPress Design requests con-
firmation before proceeding with the modification.
To change the name of a global function:
l Do any of the following:
l Rename the function in the Structure area: In the Structure area, select the function, then press F2 or click the
name of the function a second time to select the name. Edit the name. You can press ESC at any point to abort
the rename operation. When you have completed the modification, press ENTER or click outside the name.
l Rename the function in the Object Inspector: In the Structure area, select the global function. The Object
Inspector displays the properties of that function. In the Object Inspector, edit the Name property to reflect the
new name, then press ENTER or click outside the name box.
l Rename the function in the PlanetPress Talk Editor: In the Structure area, double-click the global function, or
select it and press ENTER. The PlanetPress Talk Editor appears. Change the name of the function in the Editor
then click OK to exit the Editor.
Delete a Global Function
To delete one or more global functions:
1. Select the global functions you want to delete.
2. Choose Home | Clipboard | Delete.
If no elements in the document reference any of the selected global functions, PlanetPress Design performs the dele-
If any elements in the document reference any of the selected global functions, PlanetPress Design prompts you to
define how you want to handle the deletion of each of the referenced global functions.
To use the Global Function Deletion dialog box:
1. Adjust the options to reflect how you want PlanetPress Design to handle the deletion request. The name of the global
function you selected for deletion appears in the title bar of the Global Function Deletion dialog box, and the list of ele-
ments that reference it appear on the right of the dialog box.
Replace all references with: Select to delete the global function and to replace all references to it with a reference
to another global function in the document.
Global functions available: Select the global function you want to use as the replacement reference. When you
delete the global function, PlanetPress Design replaces all references to the deleted global function with a reference to
the global function you select here. You can use the Global Functions button to create a new global function to add to
this box.
Global Functions button: Click to create a new global function. PlanetPress Design creates the new global function,
and selects it in the Global functions available box.
Delete all elements: Select to delete the global function and all document elements that reference it. All document
elements that reference this global function appear in the list on the right of the Global Function Deletion dialog box.
2. Click OK.
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