
Table Of Contents
setfillcolor([0,0,0,50]) %Set shadow colour to gray
pie(1.5,1.5,1,60,290) %Create shadow for first slice
translate(0.2,0.2) %Separate shadows
pie(1.5,1.5,1,290,420) %Create shadow for second slice
fill() %Display shadows
translate(-0.3, 0.3) %Offset chart from its shadow
setstrokecolor([0,0,100,0]) %Set pen colour to yellow
setfillcolor([0,100,100,0]) %Set fill colour to red
pie(1.5,1.5,1,60,290) %Create first slice
strokeandfill() %Draw first slice
translate(0.2,0.2) %Separate slices
setfillcolor([100,100,0,0]) %Set fill colour to blue
pie(1.5,1.5,1,290,420) %Create second slice
strokeandfill() %Draw second slice
Put (procedure)
Assigns a value to an element of an array.
put( &array, index, value )
Array variable containing the element whose value you want to change.
Integer value representing the position of the element in the array.
The value you want to assign to the element. The value must be of the same the type as the array. Thus if the array is of type
string, the value must be of type string.
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