
Table Of Contents
Example 3
This example moves the point of origin back to its original position. Translate sets the new point of origin for all subsequent
commands. Consequently, translate commands are cumulative. Therefore, to restore the previous point of origin, you must
issue a translate command that negates whatever offset was previously applied.
@ (function)
Returns a selection within the current data page for text emulations.
The@ character can be the beginning of a data selection, a page call or a procedure or function call.
@( line, startcolumn, endcolumn ) string value
Integer value specifying the line on which to read the data in the current data page.
startcolumn, endcolumn
Integer values specifying the start/end columns of the chunk of data to read from the current data page.
Code Sample Example
The first line of code assigns data from the current data page to a variable. The second line of code checks for the presence of
a value inside the data page and sets a Boolean variable according to the results.
@name (function/procedure)
Executes a global function or procedure created using the function() command.
The@ character can be the beginning of a data selection, a page call or a procedure or function call.
@functionname( parameters ) integer, measure, currency, string, Boolean or no return value
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