
Table Of Contents
The PlanetPress Design Ribbon
The PlanetPress Design Ribbon replaces the main menu and toolbars of previous versions, and centralizes commands, organ-
izing them into a set of Tabs, each Tab containing Groups of Controls. Each tab on the Ribbon displays the commands that
are most relevant to a given feature set. For instance, the Objects tab in PlanetPress Design is used to draw any of the sup-
ported objects.
You can minimize the Ribbon by right-clicking on it and selecting Minimize the Ribbon or by double-clicking on any of the
You can also customize the Ribbon's color scheme in the User Options window.
PlanetPress Designs Ribbon has five tabs: the Home tab, the View tab, the Page Layout tab, the Tools tab and the
Help tab. Each one of these tabs contains a series of groups, each group holding a number of controls.
l The Home tab includes the Tools, Clipboard, Document and Objects groups.
l The Tools group contains:
l The Select Tool is used to select objects on the document page.
l The Hand Tool is used to move the document page.
l The Zoom Tool is used for zooming in and out of the Page area.
l The Clipboard group contains the typical Windows-based editing controls: Cut, Copy, Paste, Select All,
l The Document group contains the document objects controls, used to add objects to the document: Page,
Style, Condition, Global Variable, Global Function, Metadata Field, Image Resource and Attach-
l The Objects group contains the page objects controls, used to add objects to the selected page: Text, Data
Selection, Picture, PlanetPress Talk, N-Up Printing, Address, Box, Shape, Barcode and Business
Some tools in the Objects controls lead to dropdown menus that let you make selections among often-used ver-
sions of those objects. This is the case with the Box, Shape, Business Graphics and Barcode objects.
These menus can be opened by clicking the arrowhead visible at the bottom of each control.
l The View tab includes the Zoom, Navigate and Show/Hide groups.
l The Zoom group contains the zoom controls: Zoom In, Zoom Out, Zoom Factor, as well as Fit Page
Width and Fit in window.
l The Navigate group contains a data page box you can use to move forward and backward in the sample data
file, and tools to move forward and backward in your document one page at a time.
l The Show/Hide group contains four controls to display or hide any of the four panes; the Document Struc-
ture area, the Object Inspector pane, the PlanetPress Talk Messages pane and the Data Pane.
l The Page Layout tab includes the Arrange, Lock/Unlock and Duplicate groups.
l The Arrange group contains the Alignment and Order controls, allowing to align and reorder objects on a
document page.
l The Lock/Unlock group contains controls to lock or unlock a single object on a document page, or every
objects on a document page.
l The Duplicate group contains controls to duplicate, and duplicate and pack objects on a document page.
l The Tools tab includes the Data, Advanced, Managers, Application and PressTalk Messages groups.
l The Data group contains:
l The Add New Data control allows you to associate multiple sample data files with your document.
l The Open Active Data loads the active sample data in the Data selector.
l The Save Active allows you to save a local copy of the active sample data file.
The PlanetPress Design Program
©2010 Objectif Lune Inc - 49 -