
Table Of Contents
Delete a Page
To delete one or more page(s):
1. In the Structure area, select the page(s) you want to delete.
2. Either use the Delete key or right-click and choose Delete.
If no elements in the document reference any of the selected page(s), PlanetPress Design performs the deletion.
If any elements in the document reference any of the selected pages, PlanetPress Design prompts you to define how
you want to handle the deletion of each of the referenced pages.
To use the Page Deletion dialog box:
1. Adjust the options to reflect how you want PlanetPress Design to handle the deletion request. The name of the page
you selected for deletion appears in the title bar of the Page Deletion dialog box, and the list of elements that reference
it appear on the right of the dialog box.
Replace reference by: Select to delete the page and to replace all references to it with a reference to another page
in the document.
Pages available: Select the page you want to use as the replacement reference. When you delete the page, Plan-
etPress Design replaces all references to the deleted page with a reference to the page you select here. You can use
the Page button to create a new page to add to this list.
Page button: Click to create a new page.
Delete: Select to delete the page and all document elements that reference it.
2. Click OK.
Object Layering Order
Is the order in which objects appear in the Structure area significant?
The order in which objects appear in the Structure area determines the order in which the document executes them, as well as
which object appears on top when two objects overlap.
You can think of each object as existing on its own layer. As you add objects, you add layers. The most recently added object
always occupies the foreground layer. In the Structure area, the topmost object occupies the background layer.
If two objects overlap, the one closest to the foreground appears on top. If you have several objects you want to place either
on top of or under another object or group, it may be useful to group them into a single unit and then edit the layering order of
the group.
To edit the layering order of objects:
l In the PlanetPress Design main menu, choose Page Layout | Arrange | Order and then choose any of the fol-
Bring Forward: Move the selected objects or groups forward one layer graphically. This also results in moving the
selected objects or groups downward one spot in the Document Structure.
Send Backward: Move the selected objects or groups backward one layer graphically. This also results in moving
the selected objects or groups upward one spot in the Document Structure.
Bring to Front: Move the selected objects or groups to the very front of all layers graphically. This also results in
moving the selected objects or groups to the bottom of the Document Structure.
Send to Back: Move the selected objects or groups to the very back of all layers graphically. This also results in mov-
ing the selected objects or groups to the top of the Document Structure.
The PlanetPress Design Program
©2010 Objectif Lune Inc - 54 -