
Table Of Contents
Run Several Documents as a Single Job
If you have several documents to run on a printer, and you are not using the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools to print your
documents, you may find it convenient to send a single job to the printer that contains the triggers and input data for all those
documents. The single job has the format:
Embedded within this single job are End Of Job (EOJ) strings that permit each document to detect the end of its input data.
These strings prevent each document in the job from treating everything that follows it as its own input data.
You define the EOJ string you want a given document to use. You may choose to define a different EOJ string for each doc-
ument, or to use the same EOJ string for all documents or for all documents of a certain category. The choice you make
depends on your environment and preferred way of working. If you choose a different EOJ string for each document or cat-
egory of document, you must pay close attention to how you construct the single job to ensure you specify the proper EOJ
string for a given document.
You can embed the EOJ strings in the single job in one of two ways: either within the triggers or at the end of input data.
This section describes how to construct a job by embedding EOJ strings within a trigger and how to construct a job by append-
ing EOJ strings to the end of input data. It also includes a procedure that explains how to define an EOJ string for a document.
Troubleshoot Execution Problems
You should also be aware that there are two printer settings that can help you troubleshoot a problematic document.
1. Print PostScript Error
If you enable this setting, the printer prints an error page if it encounters an error during document execution. The
error page reports the offending PostScript command and the status of the print stack. Although these errors are terse,
they are sometimes all you need to pinpoint and resolve the problem. You can set this printer setting from PlanetPress
2. Print in Hexadecimal Mode
Most printers let you print the incoming data exactly as it arrives at the printer, as hexadecimal values. This is useful for
determining exactly what characters the printer receives and for spotting unexpected characters in the data stream, or
characters that are not arriving in the proper order. The following table shows the hexadecimal codes the printer
dumps for a carriage return followed by a line feed, and a line feed followed by a carriage return, respectively. The
equivalent ASCII codes appear on the right.
Hexadecimal ASCII
Because a document page can generate hundreds of pages of hexadecimal code, if you print in hexadecimal mode, you
should be prepared to cancel the print job once the first few pages have printed.
Objectif Lune Printer Driver (PS)
The Objectif Lune Printer Driver (PS) allows end-users to print directly to the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools from any Win-
dows application, by using the familiar File|Print option. At the other end, PlanetPress Office and PlanetPress Production spe-
cifically can capture the incoming stream and convert it internally into a PDF file along with its metadata.
Although it is available with every PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools, this feature becomes even more useful in environments
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