
Table Of Contents
Show or Hide Areas of the Program Window
Use: To:
SHIFT+CTRL+T Show/hide the Document Structure area.
SHIFT+CTRL+I Show/hide the Object Inspector.
SHIFT+CTRL+M Show/hide the PlanetPress Talk Messages area.
SHIFT+CTRL+P Show/hide the Data Pane.
Work with Hierarchies
Use: To:
Move the focus to the hierarchical view. For example, in the Program window, the focus moves to the Structure area.
In a properties dialog box, the focus moves to the hierarchical view on the left side of the dialog box. In the Plan-
etPress Talk Editor, it moves to the Commands area.
Move up or down in the hierarchy. For example, move up or down in the Structure area, in the Commands area of the
PlanetPress Talk Editor, or in the hierarchy on the left side of a properties dialog box.
Expand an item or move left one level (LEFT ARROW), or collapse an item or move right one level (RIGHT ARROW).
This works in the Structure area and in the Commands area of the PlanetPress Talk Editor.
Work in the Document Structure Area
Use: To:
(when at least one
element is selected)
Add the next element above or below the currently selected elements, to the selection. Recall that you
can only add elements to the selection that are at the same level in the hierarchy.
CTRL+A Select all elements at the same level in the hierarchy.
F2 (after selecting an
Rename the element.
Work with Documents
Use: To:
CTRL+N Create a new document.
CTRL+O Open an existing document.
CTRL+S Save the current document.
CTRL+SHIFT+SSave the current document under a new name.
F4 Display the Document properties dialog box.
Refresh the document. PlanetPress Design reads anew the contents of the PP4 file and updates the Program
window. This includes a refresh of the Structure area (collapses all open elements into the default view of the
Structure area). The read of the PP4 file includes a read of the sample data file.
Keyboard Shortcuts
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