
Table Of Contents
Use: To:
Move the current data selection region within the Data Pane. Note that this does not work with database emu-
Move the currently active cell. This shortcut collapses the current data selection to only the currently active
Work with the Data File
Use: To:
(anywhere in the Data Selector, or after
you click in a Data page box)
Move forward (SHIFT+PAGE UP) or backward (SHIFT+PAGE DOWN) one page (or
record set in the case of a database emulation) in the data file.
Work with Data Selections
Use: To:
(after selecting
one or more
data selection
objects on the
Move the data selection in a data selection object. The size of the data selection remains stable; the shortcut
changes the position of the selection on the data page. This adjusts the values of the line and/or column prop-
erties (or, in the case of a database emulation, the Field name, and/or the From/To record properties) of the
data selection. Use the UP ARROW to move the selection up one line (or record), the DOWN ARROW to move
the selection down one line (or record), the LEFT ARROW to move the selection one column (or field) to the
left, and the RIGHT ARROW to move the selection one column (or field) to the right. The Data Pane also
updates to reflect the changes to the data selections.
(after selecting
one or more
data selection
objects on the
Resize the data selection in a data selection object. This adjusts the values of the line and/or column prop-
erties (or, in the case of a database emulation, the Field name, and/or the From/To record properties) of the
data selection. Use the DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW to respectively increase or decrease the size of the data
selection by one line (or record in the case of a database emulation), along its bottom edge. Use the RIGHT
ARROW or LEFT ARROW to respectively increase or decrease the size of the data selection by one column (or
field in the case of a database emulation), along its right edge. The Data Pane also updates to reflect the
changes to the data selections.
Keyboard Shortcuts
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