
Table Of Contents
wether or not the data is already formatted as Arabic text. Finally, an option lets you turn contextual analysis of the data on or
CID-Keyed Fonts
A CID-keyed font is a postscript (or Open Type) font designed to hold Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters efficiently.
More accurately a CID font is a collection of several sub-fonts each with certain common features—one might hold all the latin
letters, another all the kana, a third all the kanji. CID keyed fonts do not have an encoding built into the font, and the char-
acters do not have names. Instead the font is associated with a character set and on each character set there are several char-
acter mappings defined. These mappings are similar to encodings but allow for a wider range of behaviors.
PlanetPress only accepts horizontal fonts and double-byte character set (DBCS) font encodings. In a PPD file, a typical DBCS
font is defined as follows:
*Font HeiseiKakuGo-W5-90ms-RKSJ-H: RKSJ "()" 90ms ROM
Font Defines a font
HeiseiKakuGo-W5 Font Name
90ms-RKSJ Encoding type. In this example, the type is RKSJ Japanese. Other language options include: GBK EUC, ETen-B5,
Chinese B5, and KSCms-UHC:Korean.
H Specifies whether it is a horizontal font. PlanetPress supports only horizontal fonts and DBCS encodings.
Double-byte Character Sets
Does PlanetPress Design support double-byte character sets?
Double-byte character sets are supported in the PlanetPress Suite. It is important to note that double-byte character sets
occupy twice the amount of space as single-byte character sets.
When working with Asian character sets and other non-Latin character sets that are double-byte, note that in the doc-
umentation, the length of strings is specified for single-byte character sets. For example, if the limit is specified as 256 char-
acters and you are using a double-byte character set, the limit is actually 128 characters.
Supported double-byte character sets include PostScript and TrueType fonts. For optimum performance, PostScript fonts are
When previewing or printing PlanetPress Design documents that contain double-byte TrueType fonts, such as those used for
some Asian languages, you must enable the Optimized PostScript Stream option. This true whether the document is previewed
or printed by PlanetPress Design or via PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool.
Encoding Tables
What is an encoding table and why is there more than one?
Fonts and Styles
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