
Table Of Contents
Shape Object
Shape objects are used to add a variety of lines, arrows, or geometric shapes to your document. Add shapes one at a time.
You can also group one or more shapes that you add to the document and manipulate the group as a single shape.
In addition to the common object properties, shape objects have the following properties:
Type Tab
l Shape type: Select the type of style of the shape you want from the list of Box, Line, Circle, Ellipse, Arrow or Triangle.
l Style: Select the style for the lines in the shape.
l Width: Enter the width, in units of points, for lines in the shape.
l Color box: View the current color for the lines in the shape.
l Color button: Click to select a color for the lines in the shape using the Color Picker.
l Arrow (available when the Shape type is Arrow):
l Start Style: Select a style for the arrowhead at the start of the arrow.
l End Style: Select a style for the arrowhead at the end of the arrow.
Color Tab
l Fill:Click to fill the object with a specific color or gradient. This enables the properties in the Fill group
l Color box: View the current fill color for the background box.
l Color button: Click to select the fill color for the background box using the Color Picker.
l Gradient fill
l Gradient fill: Select to use a gradient fill for the background box. The start color for the gradient is the fill
color. Use the controls in this area to set the end color for the gradient, the number of gradations the gradient
uses, and the direction of the gradient. Gradients are not available if the background box you select for the
text/box object has one or more rounded corners.
l Color box: View the end color for the gradient.
l Color button: Click to select the end color for the gradient using the Color Picker.
l Steps: Enter the number of gradations you want to use in the gradient, or use the spin buttons to set the
value. The number of gradations determines how obvious the transition is between the Fill color and the
Gradient fill color. The maximum number of gradations is 100.
l Gradient direction: Select the direction for the gradient.
l Reverse: Select to reverse the start and end colors for the gradient.
l Shadow: Select to display a drop shadow with the background box.
l Color box: View the current color for the drop shadow.
l Color button: Click Color to select a color for the shadow using the Color Picker.
l Width: Enter the width for the drop shadow. Units are typographical points.
l Scale ratio: Enter the percentage by which you want to scale the text object to create the drop shadow.
l X shift, Y shift: Select the X and Y offsets respectively for the center of the drop shadow. The coordinates
(0,0) align the center of the drop shadow with the center of the text object. Positive X values move the shadow
to the right of the center of the text object, and negative X values move it to the left of the center of the text
object. Positive Y values move the shadow below the center of the text object, and negative Y values move it
above the center of the text object.
N-Up Object
The N-Up Object is used to execute a virtual page N-Up. N-Up refers to executing a page such that two or more instances of it
print on one side of a sheet of paper.The page you execute N-Up must be of type virtual, however it overlays can be asso-
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