
Table Of Contents
l Checkbox: Select to create simple checkbox. Checkboxes are used for simple options and multiple
choices. Any mark made with the pen within the checkbox will set it to "checked" when processing the
ink data.
l Field Lists: Creates a field that replicates and can be set to either accept one or multiple answers. The
number of replications can be set statically (by entering a number in the Columns below) or dynamically
(by specifying a variable expression in the Columns below).
l Template List:Displays a list of choice templates that were previously saved. For more infor-
mation about the Templates List, see "Capture Field Template List" (page 172).
l Text field: Creates a single text field with no boundaries or divisions.
l Mask Type:Determines the expected value of the text within the box, for ICR:
l Numeric:Only digits will be expected. Note that this does not include special characters
that can accompany numbers, such as when writing a dollar amount including thousand
separators and the dollar sign. For dollar amounts, it's best to use a Multi-Area field with a
custom Mask instead.
l Alphabet:Only letters will be recognized.
l Alphanumeric:Both letters and numbers will be recognized.
l Perform ICR:Triggers this field to go through the ICRengine in PlanetPress Workflow. The
ICRengine will use the mask type, to determine how the ICRengine will process the data into
Text Fields currently do not support multiple lines. In order to capture and process more
than one line you will need to create more than one field, or repeat the field multiple
l Case Option:Determines how the text that is obtained from the ICRengine will be converted
into text. However, note that this does not modify the way the ICRengine recognizes
data:recognition is case-insensitive, and this option will only change how the recognized text is
output. The options are:"None"(unchanged), Upper Case, Lower Case and Capitalization.
l Multi-Area field: Creates a Capture Field that is divided into multiple sections separated by lines. The
number of fields can be set statically (by entering a number in the Rows/Columns below), dynamically
(by specifying a variable expression in the Rows/Columns below)or automatically (by selecting Cus-
tom in the Mask Type option and using a Mask Format).
l Rows: Specifies the number of horizontal separations (available for Multi-Area Fields only).
l Columns: Specifies the number of vertical separations (available for Multi-Area Fields only).
l Mask Type:Determines which type of mask to use on the Multi-Area field. This is used for
l None:No mask (accepts any characters)
l Numeric:Accept only numerical characters ([0-9])
l Alphabet:Accept only letters ([a-zA-Z])
l Alphanumeric:Accept only letters and numbers ([a-zA-Z0-9])
l Custom:Accepts specific characters determined by a Mask Format
l Regular Expression:Accepts specific characters determined by a Regular Expression.
l Mask Format List:Displays a list either of Custom Masks or Regular Expression masks,
depending on the option chosen in Mask Types. For more information about masks, see Capture
Field Masks.
l Case Option:Determines how the text that is obtained from the ICRengine will be converted
into text. However, note that this does not modify the way the ICRengine recognizes
data:recognition is case-insensitive, and this option will only change how the recognized text is
output. The options are:"None"(unchanged), Upper Case, Lower Case and Capitalization.
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