
Table Of Contents
l Deletion options:
l Replace all references with: Select to delete the resource and to replace all references to it with a ref-
erence to another image resource in the document.
l Resource available:Select the image resource you want to use as the replacement reference. When
you delete the resource, PlanetPress Design replaces all references to the deleted resource with a ref-
erence to the resource you select here. Select the * None* option if you want to remove the references
to the resource while keeping the objects that reference the resource intact. You can use the Add
Resource button to add a new image resource to this list.
l Add Resource button: Click to add a new resource, which ads it to the list and imports it in your doc-
l Delete: Select to delete the resource and all document elements that reference it.
l Referencing elements: Lists all of the elements from which the resource is referenced, letting you know in a glance
what objects will be modified by this dialog.
To quickly delete any unused resource in your document:
1. Select all the resources of the same type (images or attachments) and use one of the methods described above to
delete them.
2. On each Resource Deletion dialog, simply click on Cancel.
One dialog will appear for each used resource, but no dialog appears for unused resources and they are simply deleted.
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