
Table Of Contents
Operator Description Example
NOT Operates on a single condition. The result is the inverse of the condition.
NOT (&over_50)
() Assigns the highest precedence to its contents. See below for an explanation of precedence rules.
The expressions you create using these operators can be either simple or complex. For example:
&red OR &blue
&over_50 AND &under_300 AND NOT (&red) AND &round
(NOT (&red OR &blue)) AND (&big OR (&round AND &tin))
Precedence rules determine the order in which PlanetPress Design evaluates the expression. The final result of an evaluation
can depend on the precedence rules. For example, consider that you want a line item on an invoice to print only if the part
number is greater than 50, and the part is either red or round. You write:
&over_50 AND &red OR &round
Depending on the precedence rules, this could also mean print the line item only if both the part number is greater than 50
AND the part is red, or the part is round. In the latter case, line items for parts that are round print, regardless of whether their
part number is greater than 50.
PlanetPress Design uses standard Boolean precedence rules:
Operator Precedence
() 1
OR 3
Thus, the contents of parentheses are always evaluated first. If two operators in an expression have the same precedence,
they are evaluated left to right. Since parentheses have the highest precedence, you can override the precedence of a lower-
precedence operator by enclosing it in parentheses. In the following example, although the OR operator has a lower prec-
edence than the AND operator, the OR expression evaluates before the AND expression because parentheses enclose the OR
(&before_2002 OR &under_50) AND &over_300
Thus, to return to the earlier example, to print the line item only if the part number is greater than 50, and the part is either red
or round, you would rewrite the expression as:
&over_50 AND (&red OR &round)
To combine global conditions using the Condition properties dialog box:
1. In the Structure area, double-click the condition to open the Condition properties dialog box for the condition with
which you want to combine one or more existing conditions:
2. In the Condition properties dialog box, click Concatenation.
The name of the condition you are defining appears in the Completed condition box, and the names of the conditions
you can combine with it appear in the Conditions available for concatenation box.
3. Do one or more of the following to combine conditions into a valid Boolean expression. As you work, PlanetPress
Design reports any syntax errors in the Status area.
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