
Table Of Contents
The execution and debugging features of the Editor are available only when you launch the Editor from the PlanetPress Talk
properties of an object or page, or from the Data Selector. They are not available when you launch the Editor from the Plan-
etPress Talk properties of a document or condition, when you are editing the PlanetPress Talk before/after paragraph prop-
erties of a text object, or when you are creating or editing a global function.
The execution feature lets you preview the result of the PlanetPress Talk code using the Preview window. When you execute a
program, the Preview window displays the result of the execution up to the current stop point in the code.
A. Messages area
It is important to understand that when you execute a program in the Editor, only in the case of a user-defined emulation is
that program the only code that executes. When you execute a program from the PlanetPress Talk properties of an object or
page, the entire code for that object or page executes. This ensures the execution respects any dependencies one section of
code has on an earlier section of code.
Think of the entire code of an element as being composed of three parts:
1. PlanetPress Talk before code
The code you enter in the PlanetPress Talk before property of the element.
2. Element code
This includes the code for all the other properties of the element. For example, in an object it includes the code for the
Height, Width, Left, Right, Style, Condition, and all the other properties of the object In a PlanetPress Talk object, it
includes the code you enter in the PlanetPress Talk code property. In a page, it includes the code for all the properties
of the page as well as the code for all the objects on the page.
3. PlanetPress Talk after code
The code you enter in the PlanetPress Talk after property of the element.
When you execute a program in the Editor, the Editor executes all three parts of the element, in sequence.
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