
Table Of Contents
l "Delete Objects and/or Groups" (page 50)
l "Align Objects and/or Groups" (page 51)
l "Rotate Objects and/or Groups" (page 51)
l "Duplicate Objects and/or Groups" (page 51)
l "Snap or Unsnap Objects and/or Groups" (page 51)
l "Group and Ungroup Objects and/or Groups" (page 43)
l "Edit the Layering Order of Objects" (page n)
l "Copy Values of Properties between Objects and/or Groups" (page 54)
l "Convert an Object to PlanetPress Talk" (page 215)
l "Debug an Object or Group" (page 48)
Debug an Object or Group
You can use the Messages area in either the Program window or the Object Preview to help you debug an object. The Plan-
etPress Talk Editor also offers a number of features for debugging any PlanetPress Talk code you enter in a document.
Select Objects and/or Groups
To select all objects and groups at the same level in the Structure area hierarchy:
1. In the Structure area or in the Page area, click on one of the objects or groups that occupies the level in the Structure
area hierarchy whose objects and groups you want to select.
2. Choose Home | Clipboard | Select All.
To select one or more objects and/or groups in the Structure area:
1. In the Structure area, if necessary, expand the page containing the objects and/or groups you want to select.
2. Click an object or group, and then CTRL+click each subsequent object or group you want to include in the selection.
SHIFT+click to select all objects between the currently selected object or group and the last object or group selected.
CTRL+click an object or group a second time to remove it from the selection.
To select one or more objects or groups in the Page area:
l In the Page area, click the object or group you want to select.
Lock and Unlock Objects and Groups
To lock an individual object/group:
l Select the object or group, and, in the Object Inspector, set the Selectable property to False. You can set it to False
either by selecting False in its list or by double-clicking its value to toggle between True and False.
To unlock an individual object/group:
l Select the object or group, and, in the Object Inspector, set the Selectable property to True. You can set it to True
either by selecting True in its list or by double-clicking its value to toggle between True and False.
To lock one or more objects/groups in a single operation:
1. If necessary, in the Structure area, select the page containing the object(s) and/or group(s) whose Selectable property
you want to clear.
2. Do either of the following:
l To lock only a selected set of objects/groups: Verify that all the objects you want to lock are selected,
then choose Page Layout | Lock/Unlock | Lock Selected Objects.
l To lock all objects/groups: Choose Page Layout | Lock/Unlock | Lock All Objects on Page.
The PlanetPress Design Program
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