
Table Of Contents
Date (function)
Returns the print date. Note that this function does not work in Printer-Centric mode, since it is impossible for the document to
get the current date from a printer. So if you send your document to a printer and then simply send data with the appropriate
trigger to that printer, the document will run on the printer and the function will return an empty string. Use the Run locally
option, available in the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools, to ensure that the document runs on a computer rather than on a
Boolean specifying whether to use short or long date. True returns the date in long format, False, in short format. The precise
format of the short and long date value strings are set in the Windows Regional options.
Code Sample Example
This example shows how to add the current date in long form on a document page.
On a system set to French (Canada), returns .
Definemeta (function)
Defines a field when running a PlanetPress Design Document with metadata file creation. In every cases, the name of the field
is case-insensitive and must begin with a letter (A-Z, a-z), followed by any number of letters, numbers (0-9), underscore ('_')
or dash ('-') characters.
definemeta(name: string, data: string, [flags: integer, path: string])
The name of the metadata field to define. Unless the path argument specifies otherwise, the new field is defined at page
An initial string value of the defined metadata field. This value can also be a valid PlanetPress Talk expression.
Optional integer value to define the behavior of the command when a field with the same name already exists in the current
level. The default behavior uses 0 and overwrites the old value with the new one.
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