
Table Of Contents
Measure value to be converted. The decimal part is rounded down to a whole number.
Code Sample Examples
These examples illustrate floattoint().
Example 1
floattoint(3.2) %Returns 3
Example 2
floattoint(11.6) %Returns 12
Get (function)
Returns an element of an array.
get( array, position ) array element
Name of the array.
Integer specifying the position in the array, of the element you want to retrieve. Recall that the first position in an array is 0,
the second is 1, the third 2, etc.
Code Sample Examples
Examples 1 and 2 are equivalent representations of using the get() command.
Example 1
&month := get(&MyArray,12)
Example 2
&month := &MyArray[12]
GetBlack (function)
Returns the value of the Black component of a color array.
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