
Table Of Contents
Example 3
This example prints either an image, or, if the image cannot be found, the pathname to the image.
define( &image_paths, directory, 'c:\\images\\*.JPG' )
define( &i, integer, 1 )
if( resourcetype( &image_paths[&i] ) <> 0 )
showbitmap( &image_paths[&i], 300, 0, 0)
crlf( bitmapheight( &image_paths[&i] ) )
show( &image_paths[&i] )
crlf( 0.16 )
ShowEPS (procedure)
Displays an EPS image resource.
showeps( resname, width, height )
String value containing either the name of the EPS resource within the document, or the path to an EPS file .
width, height
Measure values specifying the width/height, in inches, the EPS occupies when it displays. Specifying a value of zero for one but
not both of the two dimensions scales the EPS to fit the non-zero dimension. Specifying both a width and a height scales the
EPS to the best fit possible with that width and height, while maintaining its aspect ratio. Specifying both a width and a height of
zero displays the EPS at its default resolution.
Code Sample Example
This example displays the EPS image ‘my_eps’, scaling it as necessary to fit a width of 4.5 inches.
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