
Table Of Contents
Data Destined for PlanetPress Image, PlanetPress Fax and PlanetPress Search
DefineImageIndex (procedure)
Defines a PlanetPress Search index term. PlanetPress Image uses this information to generate the .PDI file it creates for each
PDF file it creates. You use SetImageIndex (procedure) to associate a data value with the index term.
defineimageindex( name, [length] )
String value specifying a name for the index term.
String value specifying a length for the index term.
Code Sample Examples
Example 1
This example defines the index term 'PONumber' and assigns it a length of 8 characters. The PDI file generated by PlanetPress
Image contains the line: ~IndexName=PONumber,8.
defineimageindex( 'PONumber', '8')
Example 2
This example defines the same index term, this time without defining a length for the term. In this case the line in the PDI file
becomes: ~IndexName=PONumber
defineimageindex( 'PONumber' )
SetBodyText (procedure)
Defines the text that appears as the body of an email message sent by PlanetPress Image.
setbodytext( bodytext )
String value specifying the text to use as the body of the email message.
SetEmailAddress (procedure)
Defines an email address for PlanetPress Image.
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