
Table Of Contents
Color Preferences
To set PlanetPress Talk Editor Color options:
1. From the PlanetPress Design Button, choose Preferences.
2. If necessary, expand PressTalk Editor, and click Color.
Element list: Displays the list of code elements. Use to select the element whose color and/or style attributes you
want to adjust. Select None to set the color for all elements that do not appear in the list. To set a color and style attrib-
ute for an element, select that element in the Element list, then use the Mapping, Background, and Foreground lists,
and the Attributes check boxes to set the color and style attributes for that element. Repeat for each element whose
color and style you want to adjust.
Mapping: Use to select a color palette. The color palette determines the colors available in the Foreground and Back-
ground color lists.
Foreground: Use to select the foreground color for the selected element.
Background: Use to select the background color for the selected element.
Attributes: Use to set the style attributes for the selected element. You can select any combination of bold, italic, and
PlanetPress Talk label color: Select the label color for boxes that accept PlanetPress Talk code. The label color
you select for these boxes serves to distinguish them from those which do not accept PlanetPress Talk code.
PlanetPress Talk background color: Select the background color for boxes that accept PlanetPress Talk code.
The background color you select for these boxes serves to distinguish them from those which do not accept PlanetPress
Talk code.
3. Click OK.
Ribbon Preferences
The Ribbon Preferences window can be used to change the color scheme used by PlanetPress Design between three preset
themes:Blue, Silver and Black.
Click on any of the themes to select it. You will need to click OKfor the change to become apparent.
Object Inspector Preferences
To set the Object Inspector options:
1. From the PlanetPress Design Button, choose Preferences.
2. If necessary, expand Appearance, and click Object Inspector.
3. Adjust the Object Inspector options.
Colors: Use to set the colors of individual Object Inspector components. To set a color, in the Colors list, click the com-
ponent whose color you want to change.
Vertical line 3D: Select to display the vertical line between property names and their values using a three-dimen-
sional effect.
Use groups: Select to organize the display of properties into groups. Clear to display properties in alphabetical order.
When the Object Inspector displays properties in groups, it displays an expand/collapse button to the left of the name
of the group that you use to expand or collapse the group.
Sunken active property: Select to use a recessed effect to display the currently selected property.
Border active property: Select to display a border around the currently selected property.
Show lines: Select to display lines between elements.
Line Style: Select a style for the lines.
4. To reset the Object Inspector options to their default values, click Reset to Default.
5. Click OK.
The PlanetPress Design Program
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