
Table Of Contents
Bottom: Enter the bottom margin, relative to the bottom edge of the physical page.
Border: Select to display a border along the margins of the graybar page. Use the Line width box to specify the width
of the line the border uses.
Line width: Enter the width of the line you want to use as the border. Units are typographical points. This option is
available only when you select Border.
7. Click Bar definitions and define each bar that makes up the band that repeats to create the graybar page.
Bar list: Lists all the bars that make up the band, in the order in which they appear in the band. The band can contain a
maximum of ten bars. The default band contains a gray and white bar. The height of a band is the sum of the heights of
all bars. PlanetPress Design creates the graybar page by repeating this band from top to bottom on the page.
8. In the Graybar Wizard, click Finish.
The graybar page contains a set of box objects, where each box object is a bar on the graybar page.
The graybar page also contains a data selection object that displays a page of the sample data file or a set of data selec-
tion objects that together reference a record set. If the single data page fits neatly on to the graybar page, you may not
need to adjust these data selection objects. If this is not the case you can adjust or delete any or all of these data selec-
tions, as well as add new data selection objects to the page.
9. Design the rest of the graybar report document using any of the features available in PlanetPress Design.
To add a bar:
1. If necessary, in the Graybar Wizard, click Bar definitions.
2. Click Add Bar.
3. In the Bar list, select the newly added bar, and adjust the properties for that bar.
Bar Properties
Height: Displays the height of the bar currently selected in the Bar list.
Color button: Click to select the color for the bar using the Color Picker.
Color box: View the current color for the bar.
Line: Select to display a black border around the bar.
Line width: Enter the width of the line the border uses.
To edit the properties of a bar:
1. In the Bar list, select the bar you want to edit.
2. Edit the height, color, and border properties for that bar.
To delete a bar:
1. In the Bar list, select the bar you want to delete.
2. Click Remove Bar.
The Hex Viewer
The Hex Viewer is a tool for viewing the characters in the sample data file as hexadecimal values. ASCII characters appear on
the right side of the Hex Viewer, and the corresponding hexadecimal values on the left side. This is useful when you are select-
ing an emulation or fine-tuning the size and structure of the data page.
The Hex Viewer is also a standalone tool and can also be used outside of PlanetPress Design. It is located in the fol-
lowing folder:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Objectif Lune\PlanetPress Suite 7\Tools
Working with the Hex Viewer
To open the Hex Viewer from PlanetPress Design:
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