
Table Of Contents
1. Be certain that you want to print the complete sample data file as it appears in the Hex Viewer. If it is quite large and
you only want the first few pages, you may want to cancel the print job after those pages print. Alternatively, you might
copy and paste the portion of interest into a separate Hex Viewer file and get a hard copy of that file.
2. Choose File | Print Layout and choose the representation you want to use for the values that represent the input
l Hex: Choose to print the values that represent the input data as hexadecimal values.
l Decimal: Choose to print the values that represent the input data as decimal values.
l Octal: Choose to print the values that represent the input data as octal values.
3. Choose File | Print Setup.
4. Choose File | Print.
To determine the hexadecimal value of a byte of input data or vice-versa:
l Click on a value.
l If you clicked on a hexadecimal value, a rectangle appears around the corresponding byte of input data.
l If you clicked on a byte of input data, a rectangle appears around the first nibble of the corresponding hex-
adecimal value.
To search for a hexadecimal value or text string:
1. Position the pointer in the Hex Viewer at the point at which you want to start the search.
2. Choose Edit | Find.
3. In the Find Data dialog box, enter the hexadecimal value or text string. If you are searching for a text string, you can
specify the case sensitivity of the search.
l To enter a hexadecimal value, type the value. You can also precede the value with a dollar sign ($).
l To enter a text string, enter the letter t or T, followed by the text string. A lower case t specifies a case-sensitive
search. An upper case T specifies a case-insensitive search.
4. Click OK.
5. If necessary, choose Edit | FindNext to find the next occurrence of the search term.
To edit the sample data file:
l Type data directly in the Hex Viewer. Click in the input data to enter byte values and in the hexadecimal values to enter
nibble values. When you enter nibble values, each byte of data requires two keystrokes.
To copy and paste a portion of the input data into a separate Hex Viewer file:
1. Select the portion of the input data you want to paste into a separate file.
2. Choose Edit | Copy.
3. Choose Edit | New to display an empty file in the Hex Viewer.
4. Choose Edit | Paste.
To undo commands:
1. Choose Edit | Undo.
2. Repeat step 1 as many times as necessary. The Hex Viewer supports multiple Undo commands.
Date and Time Format
What format should I use to enter dates and times?
To simplify things and to prevent errors, date and time formats have been standardized.
l Date are entered and displayed as yyyy/MM/dd (2007/06/13, for example).
l Times are entered and displayed using the 24 hour format as HH:mm:ss (3:38:54 PM, for example, is entered and
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