
Table Of Contents
You create a PP7 file for a document the first time you save the document. You can also set a password on a PP7 file.
PTZ File
A PlanetPress Document Package, or PTZ, is a file format consisting of a ZIP file, which contains all the document's data and
resources. With a PTZ, resources are extracted and uncompressed only once when the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool
receives the file. All the resource files are stored in a sub-folder from where they are used as needed by the PlanetPress Suite
Workflow Tool, and a smaller PTK file is placed in the Documents folder.
PTK File
A PTK file is a file that is destined to execute in PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools. It is the file PlanetPress Design copies into
the Documents folder of the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool installation when it installs a document into the PlanetPress Suite
Workflow Tool.
The content of the PTK file is a PlanetPress Talk program that describes the document and contains all of the information Plan-
etPress Suite Workflow Tools require to convert the document for any output type. Thus it includes all of the information con-
tained in the PP7 file for the document.
About Resources
A resource is a PostScript Attachment or an image that is added to your document. Once you add a resource, it becomes avail-
able for re-use throughout the document. All resources in the document appear in the Resources area of the document’s Struc-
ture area. For more information about resources, see the chapter on "Document Resources" (page 173).
Keyboard Shortcuts
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