
Table Of Contents
from other systems through LPR, and being received by PlanetPress Design via LPD. Since these messages
can accumulate, you have the option of not logging them. Logs are kept in a Log folder relative to your
install folder. They are named lpddate.log, where date is the current date in the yyyymmdd numerical
l No source port range restriction (recommended): Select to remove any restrictions on the port of the
LPR client computer that PlanetPress accepts data files from. Clear to have PlanetPress only accept data
files sent from ports ranging between 721 and 731 on the LPR client computer.
l Strict RFC 1179 control file: Select to disable control file extensions the LPD service implements for some
flavors of UNIX and LPR. This enforces the basic Line Printer Daemon protocol.
l Enable BSD compatibility mode: Select to have the LPD service emulate a BSD UNIX server. Although RFC
1179 is supposed to describe the BSD LPD/LPR protocol, and the LPD input in PlanetPress Design is
RFC1179-compliant, there are some incompatibilities between the RFC and the BSD implementation. This
option compensates for some of these incompatibilities. If you are not sure about the source of your
output, clear this option.
l Time-out: Set the time in seconds the PlanetPress Design process waits for the transfer of bytes in the data
file before ending the transfer of this file. On a time-out, partially received data files are not passed to the
rest of the process; the LPD input resets and is ready to receive further data files.
Serial Input
Retrieves data using a serial input service to PlanetPress Design for processing data input files. Only one
port is used at a time by PlanetPress Design, and as such, only one configuration for the serial connection
is allowed. The Serial service can be independently controlled, and its logs checked in real-time as it
processes files, using the PlanetPress Suite Service Console.
l Serial port: Select the port of the computer where the Serial input is connected to (COM1 through COM8).
l Baud rate: Select the baud rate of the Serial input.
l Data bits: Select the number of data bits defining the incoming data file on this serial port. The majority
of serial ports use between five and eight data bits. Binary data is typically transmitted as eight bits, while,
text-based data is transmitted as seven bits or eight bits.
l Parity: Select the type of parity used for error detection. The parity transfers through the serial connection
as a single bit. It is used to verify that each set of data bits transfers correctly. It is then stripped away before
the data file passes through the rest of the PlanetPress Design process. Select None to ignore all parity bits;
no error detection occurs.
l Stop bits: Since most serial ports operate asynchronously, the transmitted byte must be identified by start
and stop bits.
l Time-out: Set the time in seconds the PlanetPress Design process waits for the transfer of bytes in the data
file before ending the transfer of this file. On a time-out, partially received data files are not passed to the
rest of the process; the Serial input resets, ready to receive further data files.
l Job delimiters: Enter the strings that tell PlanetPress Design the data file being retrieved through the
Serial input is complete. Each line in the Job delimiters text box is a different delimiter. You can enter as
many delimiters as you want, one per line.
l Log: Select to keep a log of errors and other information related to the Serial input. Since these messages
can accumulate, you have the option of not logging them and are kept in a Log folder relative to your install
folder. They are named serdate.log, where date is the current date in the yyyymmdd numerical format.
Telnet Input
The Telnet program runs on your computer and connects your PC to a server on the network. You can then
enter commands through the Telnet program and they will be executed as if you were entering them
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