
Table Of Contents
l Default Page Size: Select the default paper format the document uses. In most cases, you never need to set this
option, unless the same job, or multi-jobs require using various paper sizes. In a small number of printers however,
when you are executing a document in which several consecutive pages use the same paper format, you may need to
set this option. When the document subsequently executes each page, it compares the current paper format with the
one set for the page, and only issues a paper format command if the two formats are different.The formats available
depend on the PPD selected in the Designed for box of the Document properties dialog box. If you select Default, no
command is issued to the printer regarding the paper format and the document uses the printer setting in effect at
execution time.
l Selection Type: Set the default input paper tray to use for this document. The trays available depend on the PPD you
selected for the document. The selection you make here determines the contents of the Paper source area. Select Input
tray to specify a specific input tray, and select match paper size to have the printer automatically use the tray that con-
tains the paper format defined for this page. Select manual feed to use the printer’s manual feed, and select media
selection to set specific media characteristics. You can select an input tray, paper size, and paper orientation for each
document page. If the printer supports it, you can also select duplex mode. Note that the document must be able to rec-
ognize the output printer during the job to perform load balancing. You can set the output printer name using a variable
for either the printer output or the Windows printer output. You can add start/end document commands to support sub-
set job handling. You can activate Run-locally+GDI with speed limits (specified as categories or absolute speed) and
either block or enable the use of multi-processor systems.
l Input Tray: Select the input tray you want to use in this box. This option is available only when you select
Input tray in the Selection type box.
l Media Type: Select the paper type for the page. This option is available only when you select media selection
in the Selection type box.
l Media Color: Select the paper color for the page. This option is available only when you select media selection
in the Selection type box.
l Media Weight: Select the paper weight for the page. This option is available only when you select media selec-
tion in the Selection type box.
l Output Tray: Set the output paper tray you want to use for this document. The options available depend on the PPD
selected for the document in the document properties dialog box.
l Paper Orientation:Select the orientation you want to page to be in on the printer. The selection is made between
Portrait, Landscape, and rotated versions of both (using a 180° rotation)
l Duplexing: Select the duplexing options for the document. The duplexing options available depend on the PPD you
selected for the document. Note that duplexing options apply only to normal pages since these are the only pages that
can print. If you want to print simplex and duplex in the same document, and your printer supports switching between
simplex and duplex in the same job, you can set the duplexing options on a page-by-page basis using the duplexing
option in the page properties dialog box. If your printer does not support switching between simplex and duplex in the
same job, you can simulate the switch by setting the duplexing option here and printing a blank page on the back of
each page that you want to print simplex. If you select default, no command is issued to the printer regarding duplexing
for this document, and the document uses the printer setting in effect at execution time.
Advanced Paper Handling
l Paper handling before the document: Display, define, and/or edit the paper handling operations you want the
printer to execute before it executes the document. The printer executes the operations sequentially, from top to bot-
tom. Right-click in this area and use the menu to manipulate the data.
l Paper handling after the document: Display, define, and/or edit the paper handling operations you want the
printer to execute after it executes the document.You can also delete an item by selecting it and pressing DELETE. You
can manipulate or move data to the Paper handling before the document area by clicking it and dragging it to the new
location. Double-click an item to display and, if necessary, edit the condition associated with it.
Compilation Options
Setting Up a Document
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