
Table Of Contents
To associate a FreeForm document with a FreeForm master document:
1. In PlanetPress Design, open the document in which you want to reference the FreeForm master document.
2. Double-click on the Document node to display the Document properties dialog box.
3. In the Document properties dialog box, click Compilation options.
4. In the Caching method box, select FreeForm.
5. Set the Document number box to the index number of the FreeForm master document you want the document to
6. Click OK to exit the Document dialog box.
7. Save the document.
Now when you execute the document on the printer on which the FreeForm is running, each page of the document
includes the contents of the master document you specified in the document number box. Remember that in FreeForm,
if a master document has more than one page, when the document that calls the master page executes, it cycles
through the pages of the master document.
FreeForm 2 Caching
The properties of all the pages of a FreeForm 2 document must include the ID of the FreeForm 2 master document as well as
the number of the page to use when printing.
To create a FreeForm 2 master document:
1. In PlanetPress Design, create the document you want to use as the master document.
2. Double-click on the Document node to display the Document properties dialog box.
3. In the Document properties dialog box, click Compilation options.
4. In the Caching method box, select FreeForm 2 and set the FreeForm 2 options that appear.
l This document is a master: Select to make the current document a master document.
l Master ID: Enter the name for the master document. This is the name you use when you want to reference
this master document. The name can contain a maximum of 64 characters. It cannot start with either formC or
formU, and cannot contain any of the following characters: char(0) through char(32), vertical bar (|), forward
slash (/), backward slash (\), asterisk (*), question mark (?), double-quote ("), single quote ('), back tick (`),
colon (:), less than sign (<), greater than sign (>). You should make certain the name you enter is not that of an
existing master document on the printer on which you intend to install this master document. If the name is the
same, this master document overwrites the existing master document when you install it.
5. Click OK
From the PlanetPress Design Button, choose Print, select the printer or printers on which you want to install the master
document, clear Optimized PostScript Stream, clear Print to file, set the Number of copies to 1, and click OK.
Remember that the printers you select must be running FreeForm 2.
To associate the pages of a FreeForm 2 document with a FreeForm 2 master document:
1. In PlanetPress Design, open the FreeForm 2 document that contains the pages that you want to associate with the Free-
Form 2 master document.
2. In the Structure area, select the page you want to associate with a FreeForm 2 master document and double-click on it
to display the Page properties dialog box.
3. In the Page properties dialog box, click Basic attributes and set the FreeForm 2 options.
Master ID: Enter the name of the FreeForm 2 master document you want this page to reference. This option appears
only if you selected FreeForm 2 in the Caching method box of the Conversion options in the Document dialog box.
Page number: If the FreeForm 2 master document you entered in the Master ID box is a multi-page document, enter
the page number of that document that you want this page to reference. This option appears only if you selected Free-
Form 2 in the Caching method box of the Conversion options in the Document dialog box.
4. Click OK.
Setting Up a Document
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