
Table Of Contents
dialog box (see Miscellaneous Preferences)
l Left: Set the distance to offset the left edge of the object from the left edge of the page. If the object is within a
group, this is the distance to offset the left edge of the object from the left edge of the group that contains it.
l Top: Set the distance to offset the top edge of the object from the top edge of the document page.
l Width: Set the width of the object. The width of the contents of an n-up object depends on the scaling of each
of the repeated pages, the number of repeats of each page, and the horizontal space between each repeat; the
Width box does not update to reflect these settings.
l Height: Set the height of the object. The Repeat properties of an n-up object use the height as it appears in the
Height box.
The following apply to both the Width and Height settings:
l Data selection, barcode and picture objects automatically adjust height and width, so you should
not define them manually.
l If the &width or &height variable is defined in the PlanetPress Talk Before code of an object, the
setting in its basic attributes will be ignored.
l The maximum width and height of any object is 32 inches (80 centimeters).
l When you adjust the width of a group, PlanetPress Design scales the width of each element in
the group, such that the new width of the group accommodates all the elements and preserves
their spatial relationships.
l Dynamic height: This option is available only in text objects, and only when word wrap is on in the text
object. You use it when you define a background box for the text object. It determines whether the background
box, when word wrap is on, adjusts to fit the word-wrapped text. Select to have the height of the background
box adjust to accommodate all of the word-wrapped text. Clear to leave the size of the background box fixed
and independent of the word-wrapped text. You define the default setting for this option in the User Options
dialog box. If you select this option, you cannot adjust the object height.
l Angle: Set the angle of rotation. The pivot point for the rotation is the lower-left corner of the object. Note that
if you use PlanetPress Talk code to define the angle of rotation, PlanetPress Design automatically locks the
object to prevent an inadvertent change to this value due to selecting, moving, or resizing the object using the
mouse or keyboard shortcuts.
l Style and Condition
l Style: Select the style for the object. This is the style all text in the object uses by default. It is also the style any
PlanetPress Talk code you enter in the PlanetPress Talk properties of the object uses by default. The default
style is the style that appears by default in this box. Note that the style for a group does not override any styles
referenced by individual objects/groups within that group.
l Size: Select or type the point size for the font the style uses.
l Bold: Click to turn the Bold property for the style on or off.
l Italic: Click to turn the Italic property for the style on or off.
l Underline: Click to turn the Underline property for the style on or off.
l Color button: Click to select a color for the style using the Color Picker.
l Color box: Displays the current color for the style.
l Ratio: Enter the percentage by which you want to shrink or stretch the font spacing in the style.
l Condition: Select the condition you want to associate with the object. You can select or enter the name of an
existing global condition. You can also enter a PlanetPress Talk expression that defines the condition. The
expression must evaluate to a Boolean value.
The options available here depend on the Repeat Mode selected. For more information, see Line Repeat and Data Overflow.
No Repeat:No option to configure, the object does not repeat.
PlanetPress Design Objects
©2010 Objectif Lune Inc - 122 -