
Table Of Contents
l PlanetPress Talk After Paragraph...:Opens the PlanetPress Talk Editor to add PlanetPress Talk code after
the currently selected paragraph. See PlanetPressTalk Before and After
l Edit
l Undo:Undo the last command. Note that not all actions can be undone.
l Redo:Redo the last command that was undone. Note that not all actions can be redone.
l Cut:Cut the currently selected text. If no text is selected, has no effect.
l Copy:Copies the currently selected text. If no text is selected, has no effect.
l Paste:Pastes any text that is in the Windows clipboard where the cursor is located. If text is selected, the
pasted text replaces the selected text.
l Select All:Selects all the contents of the text box.
l View
l Control Characters: Click to show or hide control characters such as line returns, tabs and spaces.
l Vertical Ruler: Click to show or hide the vertical ruler on the left of the text box.
l Horizontal Ruler: Click to show or hide the horizontal ruler on top of the text box.
l Background Color of Editor...:Click to show a dialog that lets you select what color is used as a background
for the text editor. Note that this does not affect the color or background of your actual textbox, but may
improve readability of your text within the editor, for example if your text has a very light color.
l Variables
l Select Data: Click to show the data selector. When you choose a data location in the data selector and click
OK, one variable per line is created, and they are added in the text box.
l Local Variables: Click to display a list of variables that are local to this text box. Those variables are not acces-
sible by any other object.
l Global Variables: Click to display a list of variables that are global to your form.To change the value of these
variables, you have to edit the global variable from the Document Structure Area.
l Variables...: Displays a dialog that shows you all local and global variables.See Use Variables in a Text Object.
l Tools
l Spell Check Options...:Opens the Spell Check Options dialog. See Spell Check Text in a Text Object
l Spell Check...: Open the spell checker. See Spell Check Text in a Text Object
l Thesaurus...: Opens the Thesaurus window. See Use the Thesaurus.
l Word Wrap Options:
l Normal (word-based): Click to select the word-based Word Wrap option. This option will only wrap
when a space is present in the text and will not separate characters within words (or character strings,
whatever they may be).
l Forced (character-based): Click to select the character-based Word Wrap option. This option will
always wrap even if there is no space in the text. In this case it generates a line return to do word wrap.
Note that this is not a "smart"wrap, and it will not add dashes or correctly separate words. Instead is
simply wraps when the number of characters is reached on the line.
Apply a Style to Text in a Text Object
To apply a style to text in a text object:
1. Do any of the following to define the region of text to which you want to apply the style:
l To apply a style to existing text, highlight that text.
l To apply the style to text you enter from this point forward, click in the Text area at the point at which you want
the style to become active.
2. Choose Format | Font and use the Font dialog box, to select an existing style and, if necessary, modify its properties.
Note that the modifications you make to the style properties are local to this instance of the style and do not affect those
defined for the style.
PlanetPress Design Objects
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