
Table Of Contents
Japan Post
The Japan Post barcode will accept digits and uppercase letters and the hyphen. The data consists of a 7 digit postal code plus
address data. If the address data is less than 13 characters the remaining character positions are filled with control characters
to make the length 20.
The postal code section may have a hyphen at the 4th character position (eg. 123-4567) although this hyphen does not appear
in the encoded data. There may also be a hyphen between the postal code and the address data (eg. 154-0023-1-3-2-A-507).
Again this hyphen does not appear in the encoded data. Note that the remaining hyphens are encoded.
This 2D barcode can be used in documents that will be printed using the Optimized Postscript, Windows Printing or printer cen-
tric mode.
This barcode supports various data types and the maximum number of characters allowed is based on the selected barcode
l Mode 2: For shipping data including a zipcode.
l Mode 3: For shipping data including a postal code.
l Mode 4: For any data (full ASCII supported) up to 84 characters.
l Mode 5: For any data (full ASCII supported) up to 68 characters.
l Mode 6: For any data (full ASCII supported) up to 84 characters.
Note that the Barcode Options page of the Barcode dialog box may also be used to enter the data. When
mode 2 or 3 is selected, all the corresponding dialog box fields are accessible. When mode 4, 5 or 6 is
selected, only the Message dialog box field may be used to enter data. Entering data this way supersedes
any data entered using the Data page of the Barcode dialog box.
Micro PDF417
This barcode supports various data types and the maximum number of characters allowed is based on the selected barcode
l Text compaction: Alphanumeric characters up to a maximum of 250 characters.
l Numeric compaction: Numeric characters up to a maximum of 366 characters.
The number of columns in the barcode may be selected as required up to a maximum limit of 4 columns.
Bar width is set using millimeters and corresponds to the minimum barcode width.
Note that the error correction level is always set automatically.
Micro QR
This barcode supports various data types and the maximum number of characters allowed is based on the selected barcode
l Numeric: Numeric characters up to a maximum of 35 digits.
l Alphanumeric: Numeric and alphanumeric characters (limited to uppercase letters, spaces, and the following char-
acters: dollar ($), percent (%), star (*), plus (+), minus (-), period (.), slash (/),and colon (:) only up to a maximum of
21 characters.
Bar width is set using millimeters and corresponds to the minimum barcode width.
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