
Table Of Contents
Error correction may be set from Level 0 to Level 3.
MSI Plessey
This code can contain a variable number of characters. The following characters are valid for this barcode:
l Digits: 0 to 9.
A checksum is added automatically.
This 2D barcode replaces the PDF417 barcode used in previous versions of PlanetPress Design. It can be used in documents
that will be printed using the Optimized Postscript, Windows Printing or printer centric mode.
If you open document that uses the old PDF417 barcode”, existing PDF417 barcodes will remain unchanged, and any new
PDF417 barcode that you may add to that document will also use the old PDF417 barcode”. If you want this older document to
use the new barcode, you will have to delete all its “old PDF417 barcodes”, to save the document, and then to add new PDF417
barcodes. Barcodes added to older documents that did not contain any PDF417 barcode or to new documents will be added
using the “new PDF417 barcode”.
This barcode supports various data types and the maximum number of characters allowed is based on the selected barcode
l Text: Basic alphanumeric characters up to a maximum of 1847 characters.
l Binary/ASCII Plus: Extended ASCII character set (all 256 characters) up to a maximum of 1847 characters.
l Numeric: Numeric characters up to a maximum of 2707 digits.
The number of columns in the barcode may be selected as required up to a maximum limit of 20 columns.
Bar width is set using millimeters and corresponds to the minimum barcode width.
Error correction may be set from Level 0 to Level 8.
Place a checkmark in the Truncated box to make the barcode a truncated PDF417 barcode. By default, barcodes are added
as standard PDF417 barcodes.
This code can contain a variable number of characters. The following characters are valid for this barcode:
l Digits: 0 to 9.
l Upper case letters: A to F.
A two-digit checksum is added automatically.
Standard Postnet codes must contain exactly 5 characters. The following characters are valid for this barcode:
l Digits: 0 to 9.
Apart from the standard Postnet code, two additional codes can also be used:
l Postnet+4 (5 digits + 4 supplemental digits).
l Postnet+6 (5 digits + 6 supplemental digits).
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