
Table Of Contents
ink data.
l List: Currently not implemented, acts the same as a text field.
l Text field: Creates a single text field with no boundaries or divisions.
l Multi-Area field: Creates a Capture Field that is divided into multiple sections separated by lines. The
number of fields can be set statically (by entering a number in the Rows/Columns below), dynamically
(by specifying a variable expression in the Rows/Columns below)or automatically (by selecting Cus-
tom in the Mask Type option and using a Mask Format).
l Mask Type:Determines which type of mask to use on the Multi-Area field. This is used for
l None:No mask (accepts any characters)
l Numeric:Accept only numerical characters ([0-9])
l Alphabet:Accept only letters ([a-zA-Z])
l Alphanumeric:Accept only letters and numbers ([a-zA-Z0-9])
l Custom:Accepts specific characters determined by a Mask Format
l Regular Expression:Accepts specific characters determined by a Regular Expression.
l Mask Format List:Displays a list either of Custom Masks or Regular Expression masks,
depending on the option chosen in Mask Types. For more information about masks, see Capture
Field Masks.
l Rows: Specifies the number of horizontal separations (available for Multi-Area Fields only).
l Columns: Specifies the number of vertical separations (available for Multi-Area Fields only).
l Field Settings group (Pidget):
l Field Style (available with pidget fields only): Determines the type of pidget to use. Currently, only Pen set-
tings is available in the list.
l Stroke Settings (available when Pen settings is selected): Choose which pen setting to change, such as the
width and color of the ink. This changes the appearance of the ink when it gets added to the document after the
pen is docked.
l Required field: Select whether the capture field is mandatory, optional or final:
l Optional: The field is optional, and the capture document can be closed even if no ink is present in this field.
l Mandatory: The field is mandatory and ink must be present in this field for the capture document to be closed,
unless it is grouped (see Group ID below)
l Final: Any ink present in this field will force the document to close, ignoring the presence of ink in any man-
datory or optional field in the rest of the capture document.
l Group ID: Enter a Group ID for the Mandatory field. When multiple Mandatory fields share the same Group ID, the
mandatory status becomes true for the group, instead of individual fields. The capture document can be closed if any of
the fields in the group has ink, instead of each individual field. Groups only work within the same page, even if they are
part of the same document.
l Disable rewriting: Check to prevent a field that has already been written in to accept any further ink data. This is
useful only if forms are sometimes partially processed or are processed multiple times until all mandatory fields (or a
final field) are completed. The rewriting is only disabled after the pen has been docked (in a different session), which
means there is no warning when writing on a non-rewrite field.
There are some important considerations when using the capture field object in a PlanetPress Design document:
l Capture Fields should always be set to print on top of any other object and should not be hidden. Placing another object
over a Capture Field may cause unexpected behaviors in reading pen data.
l Capture Fields are complex and ink-intensive. They consume a fair amount of ink and take a lot of time to process
when present. This means it is recommended only to use fields when necessary, and not to make it any larger than you
need it.
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