
Table Of Contents
Image Resources
An image resource is any sort of image (see "Supported Image Formats" (page 173))that is used in your PlanetPress Design
document, whether it is imported as an internal resource or used as an external resource, called when the document
Location of image resources
In order to be useful in a PlanetPress Design document, images have to be in one of the following locations:
l Internal Images:Internal image resources are imported within your PlanetPress Design document and follow the
document wherever it is sent, including PlanetPress Workflow servers, printers and other PlanetPress Design work-
l Printer Images:These images are located on the printer's hard drive or memory, and can only be used by doc-
uments printing in the Printer-Centric run mode.
l Network Images:Images located on a local path or network path. Those images can only be accessed through the
Optimized PostScript run mode or the Windows Driver output. Accessing these images may require special permissions
at the system or network level.
Each location has its own unique advantage and limitation, and they can be combined in hybrid implementations if necessary.
l Internal Images are best if you have a small number of images called statically or via conditions in your document, and
if these images are not too large. Since they are kept inside the document, having too many images or large images
may cause issues with manageability and performance.
l Printer Images are useful to maintain a smaller document size regardless of the number or size of the images being
called. Images can also be shared between multiple documents when they are printed from the same printer. How-
ever, some printers may have limited space on their hard drive.
l Network Images are useful only if you are sharing images between multiple installations of PlanetPress and may slow
down printing significantly as no caching is possible with this method.
Static and Dynamic Images
A static image is an image that does not change during document execution. Static images are independent of the input data.
A dynamic image is an image that changes during document execution. Dynamic images depend on the input data and other
variables to determine the image file to display.
You create both static and dynamic images using picture objects (see "Picture Object" (page 148)). In the case of a static
image, the picture object references a single image resource and is selected from the image drop-down menu. In the case of a
dynamic image, the reference in the picture object is a PlanetPress Talk expression that resolves to a different image name on
each data page. Since dynamic images rely on PlanetPress Talk expressions, they are described in the appropriate chapter.
See "Dynamic Images" (page 209).
Supported Image Formats
What image formats does PlanetPress Design support?
The following summarizes the image formats PlanetPress Design supports for both static and dynamic images.
Format: Extension: Type: PlanetPress Design supports:
BitMap Pic-
BMP Bitmap
1-, 4-, 8-, and 24-bit images in Windows format. Supports uncompressed and Run Length
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