
Table Of Contents
the printer. Once you have these three pieces of information, you then visualize the page of your document moving through
the printer and determine whether the printer scans the images onto the page from top to bottom or side to side.
If you use the same bitmapped image resource in both a rotated and un-rotated presentation, you should add the image file as
two distinct image resources, and set the scanline orientation for each image resource separately.
You set the default scanline orientation for all bitmapped image resources in the document, in the Document dialog box. You
can set the scanline orientation for an individual bitmapped image resource by selecting that image resource in the Structure
area, and then using the Object Inspector to edit the Scanline orientation property.
Image Quality Settings
The image quality and compression settings in PlanetPress Design apply only to the images included in the document. They do
not apply to dynamic images that are external to the document. Note however that you can adjust the image quality of
dynamic images external to the document if you use the Image Downloader to download the images to their runtime location.
You can set a default image quality for all bitmapped image resources you add to the document in the Document dialog box.
You can also adjust the image quality for an individual bitmapped image resource. You set a single compression level for all
photo quality image resources in the document.
Suggested Resolution Settings
Any bitmapped images embedded in PDF or EPS files that exceed the resolutions set are downsampled to this resolution. This
downsampling occurs for image resources at document conversion and for external images in supported image formats, at
runtime. In both cases the maximum resolution is the one in effect at document conversion. No downsampling occurs for
images you download using the Image Downloader.
You set a separate resolution for color, grayscale, and monochrome images. On all but very high-end 600 DPI printers, res-
olutions greater than those listed below do not result in any noticeable difference in quality to the human eye.
Color depth: Maximum suggested image resolution:
Color 150 to 200 DPI
Grayscale 150 to 200 DPI
Monochrome600 DPI
An exception to these recommendations is in the case of a line art image. Line art images should ideally be at the resolution of
the printer. Thus if the printer resolution is 600 DPI, you should set the resolution of the line art image to 600 DPI.
A cache is an amount of RAM set aside to hold items that the document references during execution. In the case of PlanetPress
Design andPlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools these items are images. The cache improves performance by providing faster
access to images that the document uses more than once.
There are two caches: a host-based cache, and a printer-based cache. You can adjust the sizes of both of these caches. How-
ever, the default cache sizes set for PlanetPress Design are reasonable ones that in most cases should not require adjustment.
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