
Table Of Contents
A line condition is a condition that acts as a filter on a data selection. Only data selection objects can use line conditions. The
line condition determines two things: what lines (or records in the case of a database emulation) to display in the data selec-
tion, and whether to display an empty line for any line (or record) that does not display. Line conditions only make sense for
data selections that extend over more than one line of the data page (or record of the record set in the case of a database emu-
A line condition performs its test on each line of the data page a data selection object references. There are three types of line
conditions you can define: one that tests for the presence of a text string, one that tests for the absence of a text string, and
one that you define yourself using a PlanetPress Talk expression.
What is a Line?
In a line condition, a line refers to an entire line of the data page, not just the portion of the line that falls inside the data selec-
tion. The document tests the entire line of the data page when it evaluates a line condition.
If you set a line condition, the document tests all lines of the data page that have a portion lying within the data selection
region. If the line condition resolves to True, the portion of the line that lies in the data selection region displays. If the line con-
dition resolves to False, the portion of the line that lies in the data selection region does not display.
Create or Remove a Line Condition
To create a line condition using the Data Selection properties dialog box:
1. If the properties dialog box for the data selection object for which you want to create a line condition is not already
open, open it doing the following: In the Structure area or in the Page area, double-click the data selection object.
2. In the Data Selection properties dialog box, click Lines, and locate the Line Condition Properties area.
3. Select the type of line condition you want to create, and set the options associated with that type. If you select When
advanced condition is true, and need help understanding how to enter the PlanetPress Talk expression, see "Variable
PlanetPressTalk Properties" (page 199).
Line condition: Select the type of line condition you want to create. Select When text is present to create a line con-
dition that tests for the presence of a text string. Select When text is absent to create a line condition that tests for the
absence of a text string. When you select either of these, a Text to search for box and a Location box appear. Use the
Text to search for box to enter the text string you want the condition to look for, and the Location box to define the line,
or the line and column number, (or in the case of a database emulation, the record, or the record and field name) on
which you want to perform the test Select When advanced condition is true to define your own line condition using a
PlanetPress Talk expression. Use the Line displays if box that appears to enter the PlanetPress Talk expression.
When text is present / When text is absent
These boxes appear when you select either When text is present or When text is absent in the Line condition box.
Text to search for: Enter the string whose presence/absence on the line you want the condition to test.
Location: Select the line, or the line and column number, that you want to test for the presence/absence of the string
you specified in the Text to search for box. In database emulation line refers to a record. The selections available are
relative to the current line. Select On line, On previous line, or On next line to test for the presence/absence of the string
on the current line, the preceding line, or the succeeding line respectively. In all emulations except database, select On
line at column, On previous line at column, or On next line at column to test for the presence/absence of the string at a
specific column on the current line, the preceding line, or the succeeding line respectively. In this case you use the
From column spin box that appears to enter the column number. You cannot specify both a record (line) and a field (col-
umn) in database emulation.
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