
Table Of Contents
l Select the global condition in the Structure area.
To view or edit properties using the Condition properties dialog box:
1. Double-click the global condition in the Structure area.
2. Enter any edits you want to make to the global condition.
3. Click OK.
Apply or Remove a Global Condition
To apply a global condition to a page, object or group:
l In the Structure area, drag the global condition to the page, object, or group in the Structure area to which you want
to apply it, and release.
The condition indicator appears in the upper-left corner of the page, object, or group symbol in the Structure area. The
color of the indicator reflects the current value of the condition (green indicates True; red indicates False).
Box object with a condition set on it
To remove an applied global condition:
l Select the page, object, or group from which you want to remove the applied global condition, and then, in the Object
Inspector, locate the Condition property. Highlight the contents of the Condition property and press BACKSPACE to
clear the property.
Use a Global Condition as a Variable
To use a global condition as a variable:
l Place an ampersand before the first character of the condition name. For example, the following line of PlanetPress
Talk code references the condition backordered as a global variable:
show(if(&backordered,'Out of stock',''))
When the condition evaluates to True, the line “Out of stock prints; when it evaluates to False, nothing prints.
Create a Global Variable
To create a global variable:
1. Choose Home | Document | Global Variable.
2. Enter the name and type of the global variable you want to create.
Name: Enter a name for the global variable.
Variable type: Select the type of the global variable (string, integer, measure, currency, Boolean, integer array,
measure array, string array, Boolean array, or directory array).
3. Define the properties specific to the type of variable you selected. Consult the PlanetPress Talk Language Reference
for help understanding the various types.
l If you selected a variable type of string, integer, measure, currency or Boolean, enter an initial value for the var-
iable in the Default value box. Note that you cannot use PlanetPress Talk code to define an initial value.
l If you selected a variable type of color array, click the Color button to use the Color Picker to select an initial
color for the color array. The Color box updates to reflect the selected color.
l If you selected a variable type of integer array, measure array, string array, or Boolean array, enter the
number of elements you want the array to contain in the Array size box, or use the spin buttons to adjust the
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