
Table Of Contents
l If you selected a variable type of directory array, enter the path to the folder containing the files you want to ref-
erence, and any filter you want to apply to names of the files in that folder, in the Path and filter box.
4. Click OK.
The new global variable appears in the Global variables folder in the Structure area.
It also appears on the Global variables submenu available from the Code area of the PlanetPress Talk Editor, from the
PlanetPress Talk properties of an object, and from any text box that accepts PlanetPress Talk expressions
To reference a global variable:
l Enter the name of the global variable by hand, preceding it by an ampersand. For example, to reference the global var-
iable subtotal, enter &subtotal. In the case of an array element, you must include the position of the element in the
To set a global variable:
l Use either the PlanetPress Talk assignment operator (:=) or set() command. For example:
&code := &code + 1
set( &code, (&code + 1) )
set( &imagefiles[0], 'c\\images\\sushi.png' )
See the PlanetPress Talk Language Reference for complete information on the assignment operator and the
set() command.
View or Edit a Global Variable
To view or edit the properties of a global variable using the Object Inspector:
1. In the Structure area, select the global variable.
2. In the Object Inspector, make any necessary modifications to the properties.
If you made a modification that may cause execution problems in the document, PlanetPress Design reports an error in
the Messages area.
If you make a modification that may cause execution problems in the document , PlanetPress Design requests con-
firmation before proceeding with the modification.
To view or edit the properties of a global variable using the Global Variable dialog box:
1. In the Structure area, double-click the global variable. Use the Global Variable dialog box to edit the properties of the
global variable, if necessary.
2. Click OK.
If you edited the properties of the global variable and made a modification that may cause execution problems in the
document, PlanetPress Design requests confirmation before proceeding with the modification.
Delete a Global Variable
To delete one or more global variables:
1. Select the global variables you want to delete.
2. Choose Home | Clipboard | Delete.
If no elements in the document reference any of the selected global variables, PlanetPress Design performs the dele-
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