
Table Of Contents
3. Do one or more of the following to combine conditions into a valid Boolean expression. As you work, PlanetPress
Design reports any syntax errors in the Status area.
A. Status area
l Type directly in the Completed condition box. Names of conditions and Boolean operators are both case-insen-
sitive. Note that if you want to use a NOT operator, you must enclose the condition on which you want it to oper-
ate in parenthesis. Thus you enter NOT (&black) rather than NOT &black.
l Drag and drop conditions from the Conditions available for concatenation box. Click on the name of the condition
you want to add, drag it to the Completed condition box, release it at the position at which you want to insert it in
the expression, and choose either And or Or from the menu PlanetPress Design displays. Legal positions for
insertions are displayed in blue as you drag. Releasing over a condition name inserts the condition after that con-
dition. Releasing over an opening parenthesis inserts the condition before that opening parenthesis. Releasing
over a closing parenthesis inserts the condition after that closing parenthesis.
l Apply the NOT operator to a condition by right-clicking the condition and choosing Insert “Not” Operator.
PlanetPress Design encloses the expression on which you clicked in parentheses, and precedes it by the NOT
l Remove the NOT operator from a condition by right-clicking the condition and choosing Remove Not Oper-
l Delete a condition by right-clicking the condition and choosing Delete Item from Condition. Note that you
cannot delete the condition you are currently defining.
l Delete any or all conditions by highlighting the section you want to delete and pressing BACKSPACE, or by
backspacing through the section.
4. Click OK.
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