
Table Of Contents
Spy List
The Spy list displays any and all spies set in the object or page from within which you are using the Editor.
PlanetPress Talk Editor Features
What are the features of the PlanetPress Talk Editor?
The PlanetPress Talk Editor provides the following features for entering, editing, and executing code..
Feature: Description:
Easily cus-
and behavior
You can set a number of options that affect the appearance and behavior of the Editor.
Flexible code
The Editor provides several ways to enter code, and it includes a number of features to enhance the speed and
efficiency of code entry. You can enter code in the PlanetPress Talk Editor by dragging and dropping commands
from the Commands area, double-clicking commands in the Commands area, or by typing commands directly in
the Code area as you would in a text editor.
When you type commands directly in the Code area, the command name completion can enhance the speed and
accuracy of command entry.
The Editor also provides a number of ways to enter arguments into a command, and makes it easy to quickly dis-
play a list of the arguments a command requires.
Syntax high-
You can use syntax highlighting to make the different elements of the code in the Code area easier to distinguish
visually. For example, you might choose to display all command names in a bold font with the color set to black,
and all comments in a regular font with the color set to gray.
You can navigate in the Code area as you would in a text editor, using the arrow keys, and the scrollbars that
appear on the bottom and on the right of the Code area when the code extends beyond the size of the Code
The Editor also provides bookmarks to make it easy to jump to a specific point in the code, and a feature to
make it easy to jump to a specific line number.
Selection and
of a region of
You can select a region of code and then cut, copy, paste, or delete that region.
Undo com-
You can undo either a single editing command, or a group of editing commands. You can also repeat the undo to
continue undoing previously entered commands or groups of commands.
Search, and
search and
You can perform search as well as search and replace operations in the Editor.
You can run a program through to completion, advance execution only to the pointer position, or advance
execution one line of code at a time.
Result pre-
You can use the Object Preview to preview the result of execution.
Print the pro-
You can print the code that appears in the Code area and set a number of options that determine how the code
Import and
export pro-
The Editor can import and export programs. Thus you can write code in an external text editor and import it, or
save the code you write in the Editor out to a file.
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