
Table Of Contents
To: Images must reside on the:
ument in Plan-
etPress Image
or PlanetPress
remote instance of PlanetPress Image or PlanetPress Fax.
If you configure the PlanetPress Image or PlanetPress Fax output to execute the document host-based, the
images can be in a folder on the host running PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool, on the local PlanetPress
Design Suite virtual disk (if there is a PlanetPress Design installation on the host on which you are running
PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool), or on the PlanetPress Design Suite virtual disk of the remote host on which
PlanetPress Image or PlanetPress Fax is running.
If you do not configure the PlanetPress Image or PlanetPress Fax output to execute the document host-
based, the images must be either in a folder on the host running PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool or on the
local PlanetPress Design Suite virtual disk.
Examples of PlanetPress Talk Expressions that Resolve to Pathnames
The following are examples of PlanetPress Talk expressions that resolve to pathnames. The expression can thus include
global and system variables.If the images exist on both a host and a printer, you can define an expression that specifies when
to use the images on the host, and when to use those in the printer. For an example of this, see the last entry below.
Expression: Specifies:
An image resource internal to the document. If no image resource exists by that name, the
document looks for an image in the root folder of the default disk of the printer or an image in
the local PlanetPress Design Suite virtual disk. If the image file is on either the printer disk or
the local PlanetPress Design Suite virtual disk, it is in PostScript format.
=trim( @( 3,1,20 ) ) + '.png'
An image in the document, or a host-resident or printer-resident image. The document first
looks for an image internally. If it does not find it internally it looks for an image in the root
folder of the default disk of the printer or an image in the local PlanetPress Design Suite virtual
disk. The document constructs the specific path of the image by concatenating the data selec-
tion that specifies the name of an image file, and the file name extension .png. If the image
file is on either the printer or the PlanetPress Design Suite virtual disk, it is in PostScript for-
A host-resident image file. The document expects to find the image wingnut.tif in the parts
folder of the S drive of the host on which it is executing. The image is TIFF format, one of the
supported image formats.
A printer-resident image file. The document expects to find the image bolt.eps in the parts
folder of the printer disk named disk1. The image file in this case is in PostScript format. The
.eps file name extension reflects the Naming convention option you set in the Image Down-
='S:\\people\\' + trim( @(
1,1,24 ) )
A host-resident dynamic image file. The document expects to find the image in the people
folder of the S drive of the host on which it is executing. The document constructs the specific
path of the image by concatenating the path of a folder, with a data selection that specifies the
name of an image file. The images in the folder on the host are in one or more of the sup-
ported image formats.
='%disk2%' + trim( @(
1,1,20 ) ) + '.tif'
A printer-resident image file. The document expects to find the image in the root of the printer
disk named disk2. The document constructs the specific path of the image by concatenating
the name of the disk, the data selection that specifies the name of an image file, and the file
name extension .tif. The image file is in PostScript format. The .tif file name extension reflects
the Naming convention option you set in the Image Downloader.
=if ((&printermode=1),
'C:\\proofs\\' +
@(1,30,12),'finals\\' +
One set of image files for a screen preview (printermode=1) and another for when the doc-
ument executes on a printer. In the case of a screen preview, it uses images found in the
proofs folder on the C drive of the host on which PlanetPress Design is executing. The images
in the folder on the host are in one or more of the supported image formats. If the document is
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